B.Ed. First Year Syllabus

B.Ed. First Year Syllabus

S.No. Paper Paper Name
1 First Childhood and Growing up

Paper I Childhood and Growing Up

The student-teacher will be able to:
  • Understand children of different ages by interacting and observing them in diverse social, economic, and cultural contexts rather than through an exclusive focus on psychological theories of child development.
  • The study of childhood, child development, and adolescence.
  • Understand learning as a divergent process.
  • Make aware about the importance of healthy liking and preventing disease.
  • Introduce psychological trials of learners.
  • Develop health awareness among prospective teachers.
  • Understand the role of the family and the school in the child’s development.



UNIT – I: Childhood and Child Development
  • Childhood: Meaning, concept and characteristics.
  • Development of the child with reference to diverse social, economic and cultural background.
  • Physical, social, emotional& intellectual development of child.
  • Development of concept formation, logical reasoning, problem-solving, concept of thinking.
UNIT – II: Adolescent Development
  • Adolescent: Meaning, Concept & Characteristics
  • Cognitive, Physical, Social, Emotional and moral Development patterns and characteristics of adolescent learner.
  • Adolescent Personality: Problems & Remedies: Fantasising, Hero-worship, Idealism Daydreaming, Adventurism, Drug addiction & smoking, inquisitiveness towards opposite sex, showing off, Social-media addiction.
  • Impact of urbanization, economic change, Social Taboos on adolescent.
UNIT – III: Intelligence & Creativity
  • Intelligence: Concept & Measurement
  • Creativity: Concept,Creative Thinking and Measurement Of Creativity
UNIT – IV Physical & Mental Hygiene:
  • Mental health & Hygiene: Meaning, Concept, and Factors affecting mental Health & Hygiene (Personal amd environmental hygiene.)
  • Development of Good mental Health, characteristics of mentally healthy teacher, to improve mental health of teachers.
UNIT – V Personality

Concept (Indian and Western), Classification of personality (Jung, Kretschmer, and Sheldon), Assessment of personality, factors affecting personality development.


PRACTICUM/FIELD WORK (Anyone from the following):

1. Compare the physical, social and intellectual development of the children with reference to any one diversity (Economic/Social/Culutural)
2. Organise a debate on the issue ‘Social Media as a time-thief of the youth. Note down the main point spoken for and against.
3. Administration and Interpretation of any one psychological test –
(a) Intelligence (b) Creativity (c) Personality
4. Examine the physical hygiene of a school or any social place in order to make critical appreciation.
5. Prepare a report on some existing social taboos and interpret it logically and scientifically.


    • Shrivashra D.N, Verma Preeti 2007, Child Psychology: Child Development Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra.
    • Pareek Prof Matworeshwar, 2002, Child Development and Family Relah Onship, Research Publication, Jaipur.
    • Mangal Dr. S.K, Mangal Shubhra, 2005, Child Development, Arya Book Depot New Delhi.
    • Sharma, R.k, Sharma, H.S, Tiwari, Aryana, 2006, Psychological Foundation of Child development, Rodha Prakashan Mandir, Agra.
    • Singh. Dr. D.p, talang. Amritanshy, Prakash ved. 2002 psycho-social basis of learning and development, research publication, Jaipur.
    • Shrivastava. D.N. Verma, Verma, Dr.Preeti 2010, Modern Experimental Psychology and Teaching, Shri Vinod Pustak Handir, Agra.
    • Mathur, Dr.s.s. 2007-08, Development of learner and Teaching-learning process, Agrawal publication, Agra.
    • Mishra. R.c. 2010, child psychoplogy. A.P.H publishing corporation, New Delhi.
    • Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House LLC.
    • Piaget, J. (1997) development and learning. In M gauvarin & M. Cole (Eds.) readings on the development of children. New York. WH freeman & company
    • Plato (2009) Reason and persuasion three dialogues in J. Holbo (Ed) meno: reason, persuasion and virtue. Person.
    • Saraswathi T. S. (1999) adult-child continuity in India: in adolescence a myth or an emerging relity? in T.S. Saraswathi 9Ed) culture, socialization and human development: theory research and applications in India. New Delhi Sage.
2 Second Fundamentals of Contemporary Indian Education

Paper-II Fundamentals of Contemporary Indian Education

The student-teacher will be able to:
  • Contextualize contemporary India and education.
  • Evolve a deeper understanding of its purpose and its relationship with society and Humanity.
  • Understand the classroom in social context.
  • Provide a setting for interaction, generation of dialogue and the opportunity to appreciate diverse perspectives of issues.
  • Critically analyse human and child rights.
  • Engage with concepts which are drawn from a diverse set of disciplines.
  • Learn about policy debates overtime the implementation of policies and actual shaping of school education.
  • Understand the prominent social determinants.
UNIT – I: Diversity in Society & Education:
  • Education: Meaning, Concept and Nature.
  • Social & Cultural Diversity: Meaning, Concept and their Impact on Education.
  • Social, Cultural, economic and Political Perspective of Society and Education.
  • Role of the school in developing National, Secular and Humanistic identities.
  • Determinants of identity formation in individuals and groups: Social categories, such as Caste, Class, Gender, Religion, Language and Age.
UNIT – II: Issues of Cotemporary Indian Society & Constitutional Provisions:
  • Meaning & concept: Pluralistic and Egalitarian cultural identity, poverty, inequality, discrimination, marginalization and their impact on education and society.
  • Constitution: Introduction of Preamble, Fundamental rights & duties of citizens & directive principles.
  • Constitutional provisions on human & child right, Role of NCPCR (National commission on Protection of Child Right)
  • Role of Education in National integration.
UNIT – III School in Social Context
  • Understanding the nature and processes of socialisation
  • (i) Social System: Concept,Specific characteristics.
  • (ii) Education as a social sub-system and as a social process.
  • (iii)Social change and Education: Concept,Meaning and process of social change, Factors influences and role of school in social change.
UNIT – IV Emerging Indian Concerns and their educational implications:
  • Meaning, Concept and Impact of Liberalisation Globalization and Privatization on Education.
  • Stratification of Education: concept and process.
  • Social Mobility, Social Cohesion, Technological Invasion and Knowledge Explosion.
  • Education for marginalized group like women, Dalits and Tribal people.
UNIT – V Contemporary Issues and Policies:
  • Contemporary challenges related to equalization of opportunities in education.
  • Right to Education and Challenges in implementation, SSA, Nayee Taleem.
  • Education and Industrialization.
  • Learning without Burden – Prof. Yashpal Committee Report.


PRACTICUM/FIELD WORK (Any one from the following) :
1. Arrange a discussion session in class how cultural diversity in school benefits the students
2. Observe mid day meal of a school to assess its nutritive value and social integral value (when children from various socio-cultural background religion, caste etc. come together)
3. List down some of the habits of students which they bring exclusively from home or outside school.
4. Present a report in class about the education of marginalized group.
5. Examine policy & constitutional provision on equality and right to education.



  1. सिंह, डॉ एम.के. 2009 शिक्षा के दार्शनिक सामाजिक आधार, इंटरनेशनल पब्लिशिंग हाउस मेरठ।  
  2. रूहेला, प्रो. एस.पी. 2009 शिक्षा के दार्शिनक, ऐतिहासिक समाजशास्त्रीय आधार, अग्रवाल पब्लिकेशन,आगरा। 
  3. चौबे, डॉ. सरयूप्रसाद, 2009 शिक्षा के दार्शिनक, ऐतिहासिक समाजशास्त्रीय आधार, इंटरनेशनल पब्लिकिशिंग हाउस, मेरठ। 
  4. सोनी, डॉ. रामगोपाल उदयोन्मुख भारतीय समाज में शिक्षक, एच.पी.भार्गव बुक हाउस, आगरा। 
  5. पाण्डेय, डॉ. रामशकल 2007 शिक्षा के दार्शनिक समाजशास्त्रीय पृष्ठभूमि, अग्रवाल पब्लिकेशन्स, आगरा। 
  6. पचौरी, डॉ. गिरीश पचौरी 2010  उभरते भारतीय समाज में शिक्षक की भूमिका, आर.लाल. बुक डिपो मेरठ। 
  7. सक्सेना, एन.आर.स्वरुप 2010 शिक्षा सिद्धांत आर.लाल. बुक डिपो मेरठ। 
  8. रूहेला, प्रो. एस.पी. 2008 विकासोन्मुख भारतीय समाज में शिक्षक और शिक्षा अग्रवाल पब्लिकेशन्स आगरा। 
  9. त्यागी, ओंकार सिंह, उदीयमान भारतीय समाज और शिक्षा, अरिहंत प्रकाशन जयपुर।
  10. Sexena, N.R.Swaroop, Principles of Education, International Publishing House, Merrut (U.P)
  11. पाठक, पी.डी. शिक्षा के सामान्य सिद्वान्त, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा।
3 Third Teaching & Learning

Paper III Teaching and Learning

The student teacher will be able:
  • To develop scientific attitude for the process of teaching & learning.
  • To develop understanding about the relationship of cognitive, social and emotional development with learning process.
  • To provide an overall view on teaching & learning style and ideas to enhance these activities.
  • To introduce student – teachers with teaching skill, component and parameters of effective teaching.
  • To develop insight for perfect teaching by its overall perspectives in detail.
Unit -1 Psychological domains of Teaching & Learning:
  • Meaning and principles of development, relationship between development and learning.
  • Meaning of cognition & its role in learning, socio-cultural factors influencing cognition and learning.
  • Principles of Teaching and learning,
  • Role of motivation in learning – Concept, Motivational Strategies to be used in classroom teaching.
Unit -2 Effective Teaching:
  • Effective Teaching: Meaning and Component of Effective Teaching.
  • Micro Teaching; Meaning, need, concept, Principles , cycle, salient features of the Indian model of Micro Teaching. Meaning and concept of teaching skills. Skill of fluency in questioning, probing ,illustrating with example, reinforcement, stimulus variation and using black-board (concept, components, observation and evaluation schedules and model lessons).
  • Teaching for culturally diverse students, theory of culturally relevant pedagogy.
  • Creative Teaching: Meaning, concept and ways of teaching creatively.
Unit -3 Learning:
  • Learning – Meaning, and characteristics, factors influencing learning, Types of learning – Insight, Constructivist and Social.
  • Role of teacher in teaching-learning situations: (a) Transmitter of knowledge (b) Teacher as a Role Model (c) Facilitator for Encouraging Children to Construct knowledge (Constructivist Approach)(d) Co-learner.
Unit -4 Learning Style:
  • Learning Style: – concept, Types and importance in Teaching -Learning process, factors affecting learning style.
  • Diversity among learners and learning needs – Gifted, slow learner and differently-abled children, Role of teacher in their effective learning.
Unit -5 Teaching style:
  • Teaching Style: – Concept, Types and effect on learners’ learning process, factor affecting teaching Style.
  • Teacher behaviour, effect of Verbal and Non-Verbal behaviour of Teacher on students’ learning. Teacher behaviour and classroom climate (Flanders’ interaction analysis category system).
  • Use of out of class experiences of children in classroom teaching, Organisational climate – Meaning, types, and its effect on teaching.
PRACTICUM/FIELD WORK (Any one from the following):
1. Analysing the behaviour of your fellow student-teachers, find out how socio-cultural factors have influenced & shaped their learning.
2. Write a report about some best teachers in your past experiences & write some special features of their ways of teaching.
3. Conduct a case study of an individual (Educationally exceptional – Differently-abled).
4. Observation of two lessons of the same student teacher for encoding and decoding on the basis of Flander’s Interaction analysis.
5. Trace out some of the odd Non-Verbal behaviour of any 05 fellow student teachers.


  • चौबे एस.पी. 2005, बाल विकास व मनोविज्ञान के मूल तत्व
  • Concept Publishing Company Private Ltd, Mahan Garden, New Delhi.
  • भूषण शैलेन्द्र, 2007-08, शैक्षिक तकनीकी, अग्रवाल पब्लिकेशन, आगरा-7
  • शर्मा डॉ. आर.ए.,2008 शिक्षा के मनोविज्ञान आधार, इंटरनेशनल पब्लिशिंग हाउस, मेरठ।
  • कुलश्रेष्ठ एस.पी. 2007-08, शैक्षिक तकनीकी के मूल आधार, अग्रवाल पब्लिकेशन, आगरा।
  • आवेराय डॉ एस.सी, 1999 शिक्षक तकनीकी के मूल तत्व, आर्य बुक डिपो, करोल बाग़, नई दिल्ली।
  • शर्मा डॉ आर.ए. शिक्षण अधिनम में नवीन प्रवर्तन 2005, आर.लाल बुक डिपो, मेरठ।
  • Shrama R.A. – 2008, mega trends in instructional technology,(Programmed instruction E-learning, local book depot, Meerut (up)
  • शर्मा, डॉ आर.ए. 2005, शिक्षण अधिगम में नवीन प्रवर्तन, आर.लाल बुक डिपो, मेरठ।     
  • Siddiqui, mujebul hasan, 2009, teachings of teaching (classroom teaching). APH publishing, New Delhi.
  • Mathur, Dr. S.S, Mathur, Dr. Anju.2007-2008 development of learner and teaching learning process, agrawal publication Agra.
  • Rao. V.K, reddy, R.s.1992, learning and teaching commonwealth publishers, New Delhi.
  • Bhatnagar, Dr. A.B, bhatnagar, Dr. Meehakshi, bhatnagar anurag, 2008, Development of learner and teaching learning process, R.lal book, depot, Meerut.
4 Fourth Basics in Education & Communication

Paper-IV Basics in Education and Communication

The student teacher will be able to:
  • To understand the meaning, nature and process of education.
  • To clarify how educational determinants determine the individual’s personality in a typical shape
  • To understand how ways of educating people changed with the process of time.
  • To equip a teacher with different skills needed for providing guidance and counselling
  • To understand the concept & importance of guidance & counselling services.
  • To understand the different values & ways to inculcate them
  • To develop oral, written and non verbal communication skills


Unit-I Education, Nature & Purpose-
  • Education: Meaning, Nature and purpose of Education according to
  • Vivekanand,Tagore,Gandhi,Aurobindo,Rousseau & John Dewey.
  • Important National documents:Kothari Commission,National Education Policy 1986, Revised National Policy 1992 and NCF 2005.
  • Education as a Social Process.
Unit- II Evolution and Management of Education
  • Ancient Indian Education System: Vedic Era, Buddhist Era, Muslim Era & British Era – An Overview with specific reference to Teacher, Student, Methods and Contents.
  • Educational Management: Meaning, Concept, Principles.
  • Managerial Role of the Head of Institution: – Meaning, Importance and qualities, Managerial activities – Planning, Decision-making, Co-ordination, Supervision and Financing in the schools.
Unit-III Educational Guidance & Counselling.
  • Meaning, Concept, Need and Importance of Guidance & counselling in Educational Institutions.
  • Group and individual techniques of Guidance.
  • Need of Guidance & counselling for children with special needs.
  • Minimum essential Guidance programme for an Indian Secondary Schools.
Unit-IV Values Education and Peace Education
  • Values: Meaning, Types: Aesthetic, Spiritual, Universal, Moral and ethical etc. Role of Education in Transformation of Values in Society.
  • Value Education: Recommendations of Committees, Commissions and Policy Directives.
  • Major issues related to value Education, Methods of Value Orientation and Evaluation of value learning.
  • Peace Education – Meaning , Concept and need.
  • (a)Issues of National and International conflicts, social injustice, Communal conflict.
  • (b)Individual alienation: A Critical understanding.
  • (c) Role of School, Social organisations (UNESCO) and Individuals in promoting peace.
Unit-V Communication Skills for the Teachers.
  • 1.Communication: Meaning, Concept, Elements and Process, 7 C’s of Communication, Audio-Visual-Communication. Importance of Non verbal Communication in Teaching.
  • 2.Listening & Speaking Skills, Barriers to Listening & speaking, Effective Presentation.
  • 3.Written Communication for Teachers: Circulars, Notices, Orders, Report, and Minutes.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one from the following)
  • Interview a less educated or uneducated person about a social issue & conclude the findings in present context.
  • “Are Modern Educational ways Effective in comparison to traditional ways of teaching” Organise a debate for or against and report the outcomes.
  • How students choose their career. Discuss with the Headmaster/Principal, Parents/Students & prepare a report on it.
  • Write a small reflective note on how you found yourself under a value conflict situation in recent past
  • Or
  • Analyse the contribution of any National or International personality in establishing peace.
  • Speak some fifty words & tell students to recall them back and note down who counts maximum.
  • Or
  • Draft two notices for the conduction of some activity in school.


  • Chahel S K (1994), Environment & the Morality: Towards a new paradigm
  • Gandhi K L (2000), Naitik Moolya: Sankaleen Parivesh Mein, Frank brothers, Delhi
  • Sheshadri C, M.A Khader and G L Adhya(eds) (1992), Education in values: A Source book, NCERT, New Delhi
  • Pal Rajendra, Korlahalli J S, (2005), Essentials of Business Communication, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  • Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Personality Development, Tata McGraw Hill Edition 1976, New Delhi
  • Giri A P(1991), School Broadcast programs: Problems & Prospects, Deep & Deep Publications New Delhi.
  • Verma R S and Upadhyaya: Shaikshik avam Vyavsayik Nirdeshan, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra.
  • Agrawal, J C: Educational & Vocational Guidance Doaba, Delhi.
5 Fifth Language Across the Curriculum

Paper-V Language Across The Curriculum

The student teacher will be able to:
  • Understand the language background of students as the first or second language users.
  • Create sensitivity to the language diversity that exists in the classroom.
  • Understand the nature of classroom discourse and develop strategies for using oral language in the classroom.
  • Understand the nature of reading comprehension in the content area & writing in specific content areas.
  • Understand interplay of language and society.
  • Understand function of language and how to use it as a tool.
  • Understand language and speech disorder and make remedial measures, too.


Unit-I Language and Society:-
  • Rule governed system: Meaning, Concept and use in language.
  • Relationship of language and society: Identification, power and discrimination.
  • Nature of multilingualism: Managing multilingualism in classroom
  • Constitutional status of languages: Hindi, English, Regional languages
Unit- II Language Development:-
  • Theories of language development (Vyogotsky, chomskey) and its implementation in teaching.
  • Construction of Proverbs and Idioms, Diversity of language and religion.
  • Speech defects: – lisping, slurring and stammering, role of teacher in its resolution.
  • Physical, Environmental, Social and Psychological barriers to language learning.
Unit-III Language Acquisition:-
  • Understanding Hindi alphabets & it’s logical & simple classification
  • Language acquisition and cognitive development, Learning languages with fun
  • Culture acquisition through language.
Unit-IV Classroom and Language:-
  • Vocabulary building strategies in classroom.
  • Tools for learning: Dictionary, Discussion and Word puzzles .
  • Courteous expression: In written and spoken form, Professional implications for a teacher.
  • Function of language: In the classroom and outside the classroom.
  • Role of literature in language learning and understanding.
Unit-V LSWR (Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing)as Basic Skills for Languages
  • The development of reading & writing skills of secondary students through activities.
  • Nature of expository texts Vs narrative texts, transactional Vs reflective texts.
  • The development of listening and speaking skills of secondary students through activities
  • Importance of 3 V’s (Vocal, Visual & Verbal) in language communication


Practicum/Field Work (Any one from the following)
  • Draft a report on the efforts put in by Rajasthani people to give Rajasthani Language a status of constitutionally scheduled/recognised language.
  • Diagnose speech defects of primary level student and make a remedial strategy.
  • Prepare a list of atleast 10 proverbs of Rajasthani Language and interpret their cultural significance.
  • Narrate your First experience of First Day for internship programme.
  • Collect a literary style poem of any language and critically analyse it .


  • Agnihotri, R.K. (1995). Multilingualism as a classroom resource. In K. Heugh, A Siegruhn, & P. Pluddemann (Eds.) Multilingual education for South Africa 9pp. 3-&). Heinemann Educational Books.
  • Anderson, R.C. (1984). Role of the Reader’s Schema in comprehension, learning and memory. In R. C. Anderson, J. Osborn, & R.J. Tierney (Eds.), Learning to read in American Schools: Basad readers and Content texts. Psychology Press.
  • Eller, R.G. (1989). Johnny can’t talk, either: The perpetuation of the deficit theory in classrooms. The Reaing Teacher, 670-674.
  • Erlwanger, S. H. (1973). Benny’s conception of rules and answers in IPI Mathematics. Journal of children’s Mathematical Behavior, 1(2), 7-26
  • Grellet, f. (1981). Developing reading skills: A practical Gude to reading comprehension exercises. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ladson-Billings. G. (1995). Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. American Educational research journal. 32(3), 465-491.
  • NCERT. (2006d) Position Paper National Focus Group on teaching of Indian language (NCF- 2005). New Delhi: NCERT.
  • Sankhla, Arjun Singh, (2013) Hindi Bhasha Shikshan aur Praveenta, Arihant Shiksha Prakashan Jaipur.
  • Thwaite, A. & Rivalland, J.(2009) How can analysis of classroom Taks help teachers reflect on their practices? Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, the 32(1) 38
6 Sixth Pedagogy Course I (Part I)
S.No. Paper Name
1 Pedagogy of Hindi (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Hindi(Part I)

पाठ्यक्रम के विशेष उद्देश्य
  • भाषा  की अलग-अलग भूमिकाओं को जानना 
  • भाषा सीखने की सृजनात्मक प्रक्रिया को जानना 
  • भाषा के स्वरूप और व्यवस्था को समझना
  • भाषा और साहित्य के संबंध को जानना 
  • हिंदी भाषा के विविध रूपों और अभिवक्तियो को जानना 
  • भावों और विचारों की स्वतंत्र अभिव्यक्ति करना 
  • भाषायी बारीकियों के प्रति संवेदनशील होना 
  • अनुवाद के महत्व और भूमिका को जानना 
  • विधार्थियो की सृजनात्मक क्षमता को पहचाना 
  • बच्चों  की भाषायी विकास के प्रति समझ बनाना और उसे समुन्नत करने के लिए विद्यालय में तरह – तरह के मौके जुटाना 
  • भाषा के मूल्यांकन की प्रक्रिया को जानना 
  • साहित्यिक और गैर साहित्यिक मौलिक रचनाओं की समझ और सराहना 
  • भाषा सीखने-सिखाने के सृजनात्मक दृष्टिकोण को समझना 




इकाई -1 : हिंदी भाषा की प्रकृति व विषयपरकता 
समाज में भाषा 
अ. भाषा और लिंग 
ब. भाषा  और अस्मिता 
स. भाषा और वर्ग 
विद्यालय में भाषा 
अ. घर की भाषा और स्कूल की भाषा व विषयवस्तु समझने में उनकी भूमिका 
ब. ज्ञान सृजन और भाषा 
स. विषय के रूप में भाषा व माध्यम के रूप में भाषा – अन्तर 
संविधान और शिक्षा समितियों की रिपोर्ट में भाषा तथा भाषाओं की स्थिति 
अ. धारा 343 -351 
ब. कोठारी कमिशन 1964 – 1966, राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति – 1986 पी.ओ.ए. – 1992          


इकाई -2 : स्कूली विषय के रूप में  हिंदी भाषा
हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण के उद्देश्य। 
स्कूली विषय के रूप में हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण की चुनौतियां 
रोचकता के साथ शिक्षण 
स्कूली स्तर पर भाषा को समृद्ध  व सहज बनाने के उपाय 
सामन्यपाठ योजना के चरण व पाठ्शाला के सन्दर्भ में उद्देश्य लेखन 


इकाई -3 : हिंदी भाषा को सीखने सिखाने की पद्धतियाँ / तरीके 
भाषा सीखने सिखाने की विभिन्न दृष्टियाँ –
अ. भाषा अर्जन और अधिगम का दार्शनिक, सामाजिक और मनोवैज्ञानिक आधार 
ब. भाषा अर्जन के तरीके 
स. भाषा शिक्षण की प्रचलित विधियां / प्रणलियाँ और उनका विश्लेषण – व्याकरण अनुवाद प्रणाली, प्रत्यक्ष प्रणाली 


इकाई – 4 : हिंदी भाषा के अधिगम आधार व शिक्षाशास्त्रीय विश्लेषण 
  1. भाषायी दक्षताएँ  – सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना और लिखना 
सुनना और बोलना – सम्प्रत्यय, सुनने और बोलने के कौशल विकास के स्रोत और सामग्री, रोल प्ले, कहानी सुनना, सवांद, मल्टीमीडिया तथा मौलिक सामग्री की सहायता से संप्रेषणात्मक वातावरण का निर्माण 
पढ़ना – सम्प्रत्यय, मौन और मुखर पठन, गहन-पठन, विस्तृत पठन, पढ़ने के कौशल विकास में सृजनात्मक साहित्य कहानी, कविता आदि, शब्दकोश और इन्साइक्लोपीडिया का उपयोग।
लिखना – सम्प्रत्यय, लिखने के चरण, लेखन – प्रक्रिया, सृजनात्मक लेखन, औपचारिक और अनौपचारिक लेखन कहानी, कविता, संवाद, डायरी, पत्र, रिपोर्ट, समाचार  आदि। 
  1. स्कूली विषय के रूप में हिंदी भाषा की निम्नलिखित विषयवस्तु का अध्ययन कर उनको पढ़े 
हिंदी भाषा : वर्णमाला, संधि, काल, पल्ल्वन, पत्र लेखन, गद्य एवं पद्य की समीक्षा 


इकाई – 5 : हिंदी भाषा में मूल्यांकन 
  1. मूल्यांकन का अर्थ एवं विशेषताएं 
  2. प्रश्नों का स्वरूप, प्रश्नों के आधार बिन्दु – समस्या समाधान संबंधी, सृजनात्मक 
चिंतन, समालोचनात्मक चिंतन, कल्पनशीलता को जीवित करने वाले। परिवेशीय सजगता वाले प्रश्न 
  1. भाषा विकास की प्रगति का आंकलन – सतत और समग्र मूल्यांकन, स्वमूल्यांकन आपसी 
मूल्यांकन, समूह मूल्यांकन, पोर्टफोलियो, ब्लू प्रिंट।
  1. फीडबैक विद्यार्थी, अभिभावक और अध्यापक रिपोर्ट।     


गतिविधि/ पोर्टफ़ोलियो / परियोजना कार्य कोई एक 
  1. हिंदी में लिखित किसी भी लेख के विभिन्न पक्षों का अध्ययन कर उसी शैली का एक अन्य लेख किसी अन्य भाव पर केंद्रित कर लिखें। 
  2. कक्षा को दो दलों में बांटकर एक शब्द के अधिकतम पर्यावाची बताने की प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन करें व विजेता दाल की घोषणा करें व उस पर रिपोर्ट तैयार करें।  
  3. बालकों की पारिवारिक पृष्ठ्भूमि के संबधं में संवाद स्थापित करते हुए उनके भाषा कौशल को परिवेशगत प्रभाव के आधार पर परखिए। 
  4. किसी विषयवस्तु पर विविध प्रश्नों का समावेश करते हुए 25 अंको के एक मूल्यांकन प्रश्न पत्र का निर्माण करना।  
  5. हिंदी व संस्कृत की वर्णमाला का तुलनामत्मक अध्ययन कर दोनों के बीच समानताओं व असमानताओं पर टिप्पणी लिखो।  


सन्दर्भ पुस्तकें :
  • हिंदी शिक्षण रमन बिहारीलाल 
  • हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण भाई योगेन्द्रजीत 
  • माध्यमिक विद्यालयों  में हिंदी शिक्षण निरंजन कुमार सिंह 
  • हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण भोलानाथ तिवारी तथा कैलाशचंद  भाटिया 
  • भाषा शिक्षण रविंद्र नाथ श्रीवास्तव 
  • मानक हिंदी व्याकरण आचार्य रामचंद्र वर्मा 
  • भाषा ब्लूमफील्ड 
  • शुद्ध हिंदी डॉ भागीरथ मिश्र 
  • हिंदी उच्चारण एवं वर्तनी भगवती प्रसाद शुक्ल 
  • हिंदी की ध्वनियों और उनका शिक्षण के.के.सुखिया 
  • अभिव्यक्ति विज्ञान – भोलेनाथ तिवारी तथा कृष्ण दत्त शर्मा 
  • व्यवहारिक हिंदी व्याकरण – हरदेव बाहरी 
  • नागरी लिपि और हिंदी वर्तनी – अनंत चौधरी 
  • शब्दार्थ दर्शन – रामचंद्र वर्मा 
  • भाषा सम्प्राति  मूल्याङ्कन – के.जी.रस्तोगी 
  • हिंदी शब्दानुशासन – किशोरीदास वाजपेयी 
2 Pedagogy of English (Part-I)
Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of English (Part I)
  • Understand the Nature & Role of English language
  • Understand the pronunciation patterns in English
  • Understand the linguistic behaviour of the individual and the society
  • Understand the different roles of language
  • Understand the relation between literature and language
  • To be able to develop creativity among learners
  • To be able to examine authentic literary and non literary texts and develop insight and appreciation
  • Understand the use of language in context, such as grammar and vocabulary
  • To be able to develop activities and tasks for learners
  • Understand the importance of home language and school language
  • To be able to use multilingualism as a strategy in the classroom situation
  • Understand about the teaching of Poetry, Prose and Drama
  • Identify methods, approaches and materials for teaching English at different levels
  • Understand constructive approach to language teaching and learning
  • Understand the process of language assessment
  • Familiarise students with our rich culture, heritage and aspects of our contemporary life
UNIT 1: Nature & Role of English Language as a Discipline
Nature of English language, English as a global language.
Objectives of Teaching English at Secondary and Senior Secondary.
Pronunciation-linguistic diversity, its impact on English Speech and writing, Understanding symbolical coding for pronunciation.
LINGUISTIC SYSTEM: The organisation of sounds; the structure of sentences; The concept of Universal grammar; Nature and structure of meaning; Basic concept in phonology, morphology, Syntax and semantics.
LANGUAGE IN SCHOOL: Home language and School language; Medium of understanding (child’s own language); Language and construction of knowledge; Difference between language as a school- subject and language as a means of learning and communication; Critical review of Medium of Instruction.
CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS AND POLICIES OF LANGUAGE EDUCATION: Position of Languages in India; Articles 343-351; Kothari Commission (1964-66); NPE-1986; POA-1992; National Curriculum Framework-2005 (language education).
UNIT 2: Position of English in INDIA
1. Position of English as second language in India
2. English and Indian languages
3. Challenges of teaching and learning English
4. Formal & informal learning of English
5. Understanding the following labels used in the dictionaries in Indian context
Approving, Disapproving, Figurative, Formal, Humorous, Informal, Ironic, Literary, Offensive, Rare Slang, Spoken, Technical, Written, Taboo, Old fashioned, Old use, AmE, BrE, Dialect.
UNIT 3: An Overview of Language Teaching & Methodologies
Philosophical, social and psychological bases of approaches to Language acquisition and Language learning; whole language approach; constructive approach.
Grammar translation method, Direct method ,Structural-situational method, Audio-lingual method, Natural method, Communicative approach, inductive and deductive approach;
UNIT 4: Acquisition of Language Skills for English as a School Subject
1. A surface discussion of the contents of grammar at Secondary & Senior Secondary level & the inter linkages of the topics.
2. Ways of Building Vocabulary.
3. Dictionary as a formal source of vocabulary building
1. Steps for teaching a prose and poetry.
2. Unit Plan.
3. Daily Lesson Plan.
ACQUISITION OF LANGUAGE SKILLS (In reference to English)::
Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
1.Listening and Speaking: Concept,Tasks, Materials and resources for developing the listening and speaking skills: Storytelling, dialogues, situational conversations, role plays, speech, pictures, authentic materials and multimedia resources.
2.Reading:Concept, Importance of understanding the development of reading skills; Reading aloud and silent reading; Extensive and intensive reading.
3.Writing: Concept, Stages and Process of writing; Formal and Informal writing, such as poetry, short story, letter, diary, notices, articles, reports, Reference skills.
4. Major barriers of Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing.
5. Prevalent practices in Indian classrooms for developing Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing skills & challenges.
6. Innovative practices in developing LSRW skills.
UNIT 5: Evaluation Strategies of English
1. Evaluation: Meaning and concept.
2. Typology of questions; Activities and tasks (open-ended questions, MCQ, true and false etc.) reflecting—Problem solving, creative and critical thinking, Enhancing imagination and environmental awareness.
3. Progress and assessment of development of language; Continuous and comprehensive evaluation; Techniques of evaluation-oral, written, portfolio; Cloze test, Self evaluation; Peer evaluation; Group evaluation, Blue print.


Activities/Practicum/Fieldwork (Any one of the following)
1. Take a few passages from Science, Social Science and Maths textbooks of Classes VI to VII and analyse:
(i) How the different forms of language have been introduced?
(ii) Does the language clearly convey the meaning of the topic being discussed?
(iii) Is the language learner-friendly?
(iv) Is the language too technical?
(v) Does it help in language learning?
Now write an analysis based on the above issues.
2. Do a survey of two schools (Secondary or Senior Secondary) in your neighbourhood to find out the challenges faced by the teachers and the learners in the teaching-learning process of English. The survey may be based on types of books introduced, family support in learning, school resources support, teaching strategies, learning hurdles etc. Prepare the findings in report form.
3. Find out some of the following labels/words used in your English text book: Approving, Disapproving, Figurative, Formal, Humorous, Informal, Ironic, Literary, Offensive, Rare Slang, Spoken, Technical, Written, Taboo, Old fashioned, Old use, AmE, BrE, Dialect. Analyse them in your local understanding & context.
4. Keeping in view the needs of the children with special needs prepare two activities for English teaching.
5. Picking up a child from family/School Prepare a portfolio of any exceptional child/specially-abled/slow learner about his/her developmental aspects of language.


1Bansal, R.K. and Harrison, J.B.(1972):Spoken English for India. Madras: Orient Longman Ltd.
2. Baruah, T.C. (1985): The English Teachers’ Handbook, New Delhi: Sterling Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
3. Bright and McGregor: Teaching English as Second Language, Longman.
4. Brumfit, C.J.(1984):Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge: C.U.P.
5. Collins Cobuild English Grammar (2000) Harper Collins Publisher, India.
6. Doff, A. (1988): Teach English: Cambridge: CUP.
7. Freeman, Diane-Larsen (2000): Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: OUP
8. Gimson A.C. (1980): An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English. London: Edward Arnold.
9. Hornby, A..S. (1968): A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English. Oxford: OUP.
10. Lado, Robert (1971) Language Teaching, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing House Co. Ltd.
11. Leech, Geoffrey and Svartvik, (2000) Communicative Grammar of English Cambridge C.U.P.
12. Paliwal, A.K. (1998): English Language Teaching, Jaipur: Surbhi Publication.
13. Palmer, H.L. (1964-65): The Principles of Language Study, London: O.U.P.
14. Quirk, Randolph and Greenbaum, (1973): A University Grammar of English, London.
15. Richards, J.C. and Rodgers, T.S.: Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching,  Cambridge C.U.P.
16. Roach, Peter, (1991):  English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge, C.U.P.
17. Thomson, A.J. and Martinet (1998) A Practical English Grammar, ELBS, O.U.P.
18. Ur, P. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.
19. Venkateshwaran, S (1995) Principles of Teaching English. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
3 Pedagogy of Sanskrit (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Sanskrit (Part I)

Understand the different roles of language
Understand the relation between literature and language
To be able to develop creativity among learners
To be able to examine authentic literary and non literary texts and develop insight and appreciation
Understand the use of language in context, such as grammar and vocabulary
To be able to develop activities and tasks for learners
Understand the importance of home language and school language and role of mother tongue in education
To be able to use multilingualism as a strategy in the classroom situation
Understand about the teaching of poetry, prose and drama
Identify methods, approaches and materials for teaching Sanskrit at different levels
Understand constructive approach to language teaching and learning
Understand the process of language assessment
Familiarise students with our rich culture, heritage and aspects of our contemporary life. Language classroom and texts have a lot of scope to make students sensitive towards surroundings, people and the nation
UNIT 1: Nature & Role of Sanskrit as a Discipline
1. SANSKRIT LANGUAGE: Concept, Nature & Origin & Development
a) Concept of home language and the school language
b) Language and construction of knowledge
c) Difference between language as a school-subject and language as a means of learning and communication
d. Objectives of teaching Sanskrit.
1) Position of languages in India
2) Constitutional provisions and policies of language education (Articles 343, 351, 350A)
3) Kothari Commission (1964-66); National Curriculum Framework-2005 (language education)
UNIT 2: Position of Sanskrit Language as a School Subject in INDIA
a) Origin, development, Changing trends & goals in Sanskrit Language.
b) Sanskrit language and Indian languages
c) Socio-cultural importance of Sanskrit language.
d) Importance and problem of teaching Sanskrit in India.
e) Sanskrit at International level.
2. Instructional Design plan
1. Instructional Design of prose, poetry and grammar based lessons.
UNIT 3: An Overview of Language Teaching & Methodologies
1. Philosophical, social and psychological bases of approaches to Language, Acquisition and Language learning
Direct Method, Traditional Method, Textbook Method, Elective Method, Communicative Approach, Grammar Translation Method, Inductive and deductive approach.
UNIT 4: Acquisition of Language Skills for Sanskrit as a School Subject
a. A surface discussion of the contents of grammar at Secondary & Senior Secondary level & the inter linkages of the topics.
b. Ways of vocabulary enrichment
c. Memorisation as a traditional Practice in Sanskrit.
D.Understanding Panini (ikf.kuh) approach of teaching grammar & seeing it in modern context.
2. ACQUISITION OF LANGUAGE SKILLS (In reference to Sanskrit) :
Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
a .Listening and Speaking: Concept,Tasks, Materials and resources for developing the listening and speaking skills: Storytelling, dialogues, situational conversations, role plays, speech, pictures, authentic materials and multimedia resources.
b.Reading:Concept, Importance of understanding the development of reading skills; Reading aloud and silent reading; Extensive and intensive reading.
c.Writing: Concept, Stages and Process of writing; Formal and Informal writing, such as poetry, short story, letter, diary, notices, articles, reports, Reference skills.
d. Major barriers of Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing.
e. Prevalent practices in Indian classrooms for developing Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing skills & challenges.
f. Innovative practices in developing LSRW skills.
g. Psychological misconceptions for learning Sanskrit.
UNIT 5: Evaluation Strategies of Sanskrit
1. Evaluation: Meaning and concept.
2. Typology of questions; Activities and tasks (open-ended questions, MCQ, true and false etc.) reflecting-Problem solving, creative and critical thinking, Enhancing imagination and environmental awareness.
3. Progress and assessment of development of language; Continuous and comprehensive evaluation; Techniques of evaluation-oral, written, portfolio; Cloze test, Self evaluation; Peer evaluation; Group evaluation, Blue print.


Practicum/activities/Field work (Any One of the following)
1. Take a few passages from Sanskrit textbooks of Classes VI to VII and analyse:
(i) How the different forms of language have been introduced?
(ii) Does the language clearly convey the meaning of the topic being discussed?
(iii) Is the language learner-friendly?
(iv) Is the language too technical?
(v) Does it help in language learning?
Now write an analysis based on the above issues.
2. Do a survey of two schools (Secondary or Senior Secondary) in your neighbourhood to find out the challenges faced by the teachers and the learners in the teaching-learning process of Sanskrit. The survey may be based on introduction level of subject, school resources support, teaching strategies, learning hurdles, psychological & socio-cultural aspects etc. Prepare the findings in report form.
3. Collect interesting folktales in Sanskrit and tell half story to the students & leave the half to imaginatively anticipate it. Find the interesting conclusions & write down your class experiences.
4. Keeping in view the needs of the children with special needs prepare two activities for Sanskrit teaching.
5. Picking up a child from family/School Prepare a portfolio of any exceptional child/specially-abled/slow learner about his/her developmental aspects of language.


1. Apte, D.G.and Dongre, P.K. Teaching of Sanskrit in Secondary School.
2. ब्लूम फ़ील्ड अनुवादक-प्रसाद, डॉ विश्वनाथ,1968 ‘भाषा’ दिल्ली-7 बंगलो रोड़ जवाहरनगर।
3. Bokil, V.P. and Parason, M.R.: A New Approach to Sanskrit, Lokasangrapa Press, Poona.
4. चौबे, बी.एन. संस्कृत शिक्षण
5. चतुर्वेदी एस.आर. संस्कृत शिक्षण
6.  K.Verma Raja : Teaching of Sanskrit.
7. Kale, M.R. : The Higher Sanskrit Grammar.
8. Lado, Robert (1961).”Language Teaching”. London: Longman.
9. मित्तल, डॉ संतोष 1999-2000, संस्कृत शिक्षण, मेरठ, आर  लाल डिपो।
10. नारंग, वैस्ना 1996, संप्रेषणात्मक भाषा शिक्षण, नई दिल्ली प्रकाशन संस्थान दयानंद मार्ग ।
11. सफ़ाया आर.एन. 1990, संस्कृत शिक्षण, चंडीगढ़, हरियाणा साहित्य अकादमी।
12. Sharma, Bela Rani, (2002) “Modern Methods of Teaching Sanskrit”. New Delhi 110088.


4 Pedagogy Rajasthani (Part-I)

Understand children of different ages by interacting and observing them in diverse social, economic, and cultural contexts rather than through an exclusive focus on psychological theories of child development.

5 Pedagogy of Urdu (Part-I)

Understand children of different ages by interacting and observing them in diverse social, economic, and cultural contexts rather than through an exclusive focus on psychological theories of child development.

6 Pedagogy of Mathematics (Part-I)

Paper-VI &VII Pedagogy of Mathematics (Part I)


The students will be able to-
  • Gain insight into the meaning, nature, scope and objectives of mathematics education.
  • Appreciate mathematics as a tool to engage the mind of every student.
  • Understand the process of developing the concepts related to Mathematics.
  • Appreciate the role of mathematics in day to day life.
  • Learn important mathematics: mathematics more than formulas and mechanical procedures.
  • Pose and solve meaningful problems.
  • Construct appropriate assessment tools for evaluation mathematics learning.
  • Understand methods and techniques of teaching mathematics.
  • Perform pedagogical analysis of various Topics in mathematics at secondary level.
  • Understand and use I.C.T. in teaching of mathematics.
  • Understand and use continuous and comprehensive evaluation, diagnostic testing and remedial teaching in Mathematics.


Unit:1 Nature of Mathematics as a Discipline
1.Meaning and Nature of mathematics.
2.Historical development of mathematics as a discipline Contribution of Indian and western mathematicians like Ramanujan, Aryabhatt, Bhaskarcharya, Pythogorous and Euclid.
3. Constructionist approach in learning mathematics.
Unit:2 Mathematics as a School Subject
1.Importance of mathematics in school curriculum.
2.Aims and objectives of teaching mathematics at secondary level. Writing objectives in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised)
3.Correlation of mathematics with other school subjects.
4.Changing trends and goals of teaching mathematics with reference of NCF 2005
5.Concept mapping of themes related to mathematics.
Unit:3 Planning, Methods and Techniques
1.Unit Plan and Daily Lesson Plan.
2.Methods of teaching mathematics at secondary level –
Lecture cum demonstration, Inductive-Deductive, Problem Solving, Project, Heuristic, and Analytic & Synthetic
3.Techniques of teaching mathematics: Oral work, written work, Drill work, Home assignment.
Unit:4 Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Number system,Measures of central tendency,Congruence and similarity, Trigonometrical ratios and identities,Area and Volume,Profit, loss and partnership,Compound interest,Graphical representation data.
2. Modes of learning engagement in mathematics
(a)Providing opportunities for group activities
(b)Designing different Working Models for concept formation
(c)Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
(d)Reflective written assignments
Unit:5 Evaluation in Mathematics
1.Evaluation:Meaning and concept.
2.Continuous and compressive evaluation (CCE) in mathematics at secondary level
3.Diagnostic Testing, Remedial Teaching and enrichment programme for:
Gifted Learners,Slow Learners,Learners with Discalculia,
4.Difficulties Faced by the Teacher in Teaching of Mathematics and Suggestive Measure to overcome them.
5.Construction of achievement test/question paper blue print in mathematics.


Practicum/Field Work-(Any one of the following)
1.Prepare a Concept map related to any theme of Mathematics and Explain how it facilitates teaching and learning.
2.Prepare a project related to Mathematics and report your steps.
3.Prepare a power point presentation on brief history and contribution of two mathematicians.
4.Conduct a group activity on any topic of mathematics and report your Experiences.
5.Observation of Mathematics class-room teaching in any secondary school and prepare a list of errors committed by students.


1.Mangal,S.K. Sadharan Ganit Shikshan, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi.
2.BhatnagarA.B. New Dimensions in the teaching of Maths, Modern Publishers, Meerut.
3.Jain S.L.: Ganit Shikshan Sansthan, Rajsthan HindiGranth Academy, Jaipur.
4.Agrawal S.M. Teaching of Modern MathematicsDhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
5.Jagadguru Swami: Vedic Mathematics, Moti LalBanarasidas Publisher, Delhi
6.Kapur J.N.Modern Mathematics for Teachers, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi
7 Pedagogy of Physical Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Physical Sciences (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
1. Gain insight on the meaning, nature and scope of physical science for determining aims and strategies of teaching-learning.
2. Appreciate that science is a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge;
3. Trace historical background of Physical sciences
4. Identify and relate everyday experiences with learning physical science;
5. Appreciate various approaches of teaching-learning of physical science;
6. Perform Pedagogical analysis of various topics in Physical Sciences
7. Analyze the contents of Physical science with respect to Content, process, skills, knowledge organization and other critical issues.
8. Use effectively different activities/demonstrations/laboratory experiences for teaching-learning of physical science;
9. Integrate physical science knowledge with other school subjects.
10. To understand meaning, concept and various types of assessment.


Unit 1: Nature of Physical Sciences as a Discipline
1. Concept, Nature Needs and Scope of Physical Sciences.
2. Historical Background Physical Sciences with special reference to India.
Contribution of C.V. Raman, M.N. Saha, K.S.Krishnan,J.C. Bose,H.JBhabha, S. Chandra Shekhar and A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in the field of Physics.
3. Science as a domain of enquiry, as a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge, as a process of constructing knowledge.
Unit 2: Physical Sciences as a School Subject
1. Importance of Physical Science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Physical Science at school level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Correlation of Physical Sciences with other School Subjects.
4. Unit Plan and Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Physical Sciences-
1. Essential Skills to Develop Scientific attitude and temper.
2.Methods and approaches : – Lecture – cum Demonstration, Team teaching, project , problem solving , Group discussion, Programmed instruction, Inductive- Deductive, Investigatory approach, Concept mapping, Collaborative learning .
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary and Senior secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Light, Electricity, Magnetism, Gravitation, Laws of Motion, Work and Energy, Sound.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Physical Science-
a. Observations and experiments in Physical sciences: interdisciplinary linkages,
b. Relating knowledge to students daily life situations.
c. Providing opportunities for group activities and idea Sharing
d. Designing different working Models for concept formation
e. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Physical Sciences Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Meaning, concept and construction of Achievement test
3. Blue print: Meaning, concept, need and construction.
4. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
5. Assessment of project work (both in the laboratory and in the field), experimental work in Physical Science.
6. Performance-based assessment; learner’s record of observations, Oral presentation of learners work, portfolio.


Practicum/Field Work--(Any one of the following)
  1. Prepare a concept map on any topic and explain how it Facilitates Students’ Learning.
  2. Description and Design of an Improvised Apparatus
  3. Write a reflective journal on any current issue releted to physical science.
  4. Planning an out of class activity to use local resources to teach Physics and report your experiences.
  5. Prepare a plan to assess Students’ Practical work in Physics.
1. Heiss, Oburn and Hoffman: Modern Science, the Macmillan Company, New York 1961.
2. Thurber W. and A. Collette: Teaching Science in Today’s Secondary schools, Boston Allyan and Bacon Inc., New York, 1959.
3. Vaidya, N. “The Impact of Science Teaching”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1971.
4. Richardson, S.: “Science Teaching in Secondary Schools”, Prentice Hall, USA, 1957.
5. Sharma, R.C. and Sukla: “Modern Science Teaching” DhanpatRai and Sons, Delhi, 2002.
6. Ravi Kumar S.K., “Teaching of Science”, Mangal deep Publications 2000.
7. RaoAman : Teaching of Physics, Anmol Publications, New Delhi, 1993.
8. WadhwaShalini : Modern Methods of Teaching Physics, Sarup and Sons, New Delhi, 2001.
9. Gupta S.K. : Teaching Physics Sciences in Secondary Schools, Sterling Publishers (P) ltd., New Delhi, 1989.

10 मंगल एस.के. : साधारण विज्ञान शिक्षण, आर्य बुक डिपो  नई दिल्ली, 1996
11 त्यागी एस.के. : भौतिक विज्ञान शिक्षण, साहित्य प्रकाशन, आगरा, 2000
8 Pedagogy of Chemistry (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Chemistry (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
1. Gain insight on the meaning and nature of chemistry for determining aims and strategies of teaching-learning.
2. Appreciate that science is a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge.
3. Appreciate the fact that every child possesses curiosity about his/her natural surroundings.
4. Identify and relate everyday experiences with learning chemistry.
5. Trace historical background of Chemistry..
6. Appreciate various approaches of teaching-learning of chemistry.
7.Analyze the contents of Chemistry with respect to Content, process, skills, knowledge organization and other critical issues.
8. Perform Pedagogical analysis of various topics in Chemistry.
9. Use effectively different activities/ demonstration/laboratory experiences for teaching-learning of chemistry.
10. Integrate chemistry knowledge with other school subjects.
11. Understand meaning, concept and various types of assessment.


Unit 1: Nature of Chemistry as a Discipline
1. Concept, Nature, Needs and Scope of Chemistry.
2. Historical Background of Chemistry with special reference to India.
3. Correlation of Chemistry with other School Subjects
Unit 2: Chemistry as a School Subject
1. Importance of Chemistry in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Chemistry at school level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching Chemistry.
4. Unit Plan and Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Chemistry
1. Essential Skills to Develop Scientific attitude and temper.
2. Methods and Approaches: Lecture – cum Demonstration, Team teaching, project, problem solving, Heuristic, Group discussion, programmed instruction, Inductive- Deductive, Constructionist approach, Concept mapping, Collaborative learning.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary and Senior secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Solutions, colloids, chemical equilibrium, electro-chemistry, mechanical and thermal properties of matter, chemical bonding and molecular structure, periodic table,Atom and molecules, Chemical Reactions, Acid ,Bases and Salt, Carbon and Its Compounds, metal and non-metals etc.)
2. Modes of learning engagement in Chemistry-
a. Observations and experiments in Chemistry: interdisciplinary linkages,
b. Relating knowledge to students’ daily life situations.
C. Providing opportunities for group activities and idea sharing
d. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work.
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Chemistry Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Meaning, concept and construction of Achievement test, Diagnostic testing and remedial teaching.
3. Blue print: Meaning, concept, need and construction.
4. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in Sciences.
5. Assessment of project work (both in the laboratory and in the field), experimental work in Chemistry.
6. Performance-based assessment; learner’s record of observations, field diary, Oral presentation of learners work, portfolio.


Practicum/Field Work-(Any one of the Following)
1. Perform Some Simple Experiment to clarify any Concept in Chemistry and to develop Observation Skills. Prepare a report of entire activity.
2. Organization of exploratory activities to develop scientific attitude and temper. Report your Experiences
3. Plan an innovation method of teaching chemistry so as to facilitate the correlation of content with other subjects/ day to day life. Teach that lesson in class and report complete activity with your experiences.
4. Write a reflective journal on some innovative trends in Chemistry teaching and their importance in Achieving aims of teaching chemistry at different level.
5. Prepare a diagnostic test and apply it in school, after discussion with concerning teacher and give remedial measures.


1. Yadav, M.S.1995, Teaching of Chemistry, Anmol Publication, New Delhi.
2. Megi, J.S. &Negi, Rasuita, 2001, Teaching of Chemistry.
3. Yadav, M.S. 2000: Teaching Science at Higher level, Anmol Publications, New Delhi.
4. Misra, D.C.: Chemistry Teaching, Sahitya Preparation, Agra
5. Khirwadbar, Anjab 2003: Teaching of Chemistry by Modern Method, Sarup& Sons. New Delhi.
6. Das, R.C., 1985: Science Teaching in Schools, Sterling publishers Pvt. Limited. New Delhi
7. Venkataih, S., 2001: Science Education in 21st Century, Anmol Publishers, New Delhi.
8 Rao, D.B., 2001: World conference on Science Education Discovery publishing work, New Delhi.
9. Singh, U.K&Nayab, and A.K.: 2003: Science Education, Commonwealth Publishers, Daryaganj, And New Delhi.
10. Singh, Y.K. & Sharma Archnesh, 2003: Modern Methods of Teaching Chemistry A.P.H. Publishing corporation, Daryaganj, New Delhi.
9 Pedagogy of Biological Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Biological Science (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
1.  Develop insight on the meaning and nature of biological science for determining aims and strategies of teaching- learning.
2.  Appreciate that science is a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge.
3.  Appreciate the fact that every child possesses curiosity about his/her natural surroundings.
4.  Identify and relate everyday experiences with learning of biological science.
5.  Appreciate various approaches of teaching- learning of biological science.
6.  Explore the process, skill in science and role of laboratory in teaching- learning.
7.  Use effectively different activities / experiments/ demonstrations / laboratory experiences for teaching-learning of biological science.
8.  Integrate the biological science knowledge with other school subjects.
9.  Analyze the contents of biological science with respect to Content, process, skills, knowledge organization and other critical issues.
10. Perform Pedagogical analysis of various topics in Physical Sciences.
11. Develop process-oriented objectives based on the content themes/units.
12. To understand meaning, concept and various types of assessment.


Unit 1: Nature of Biological Science as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Nature, Need and Scope of Biological science.
2. Historical development of Biological science as a discipline. Contribution of Indian and western Biologist like HargobindKhurana, Mohinder Singh Randhawa, Salim Ali, Mendel, Darwin, and Lamark in the field of Biology
3. Correlation of Biological Science with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: Biological Science as a School Subject
1. Importance of Biological science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Biological science at school level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching Biology
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Biological Science
1. Methods: Lecture-cum Demonstration, Team teaching, Project, Problem solving, Programmed instruction, Collaborative learning.
2. Approaches: Inquiry approach, Concept mapping, Constructionist approach.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1. Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary and Senior Secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Biological science for environment and health, peace, equity, origin of life and evolution, biodiversity, Photosynthesis, Life processes and factors affecting it.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Biological Science-
a. Observations and experiments in biological sciences: interdisciplinary linkages,
b. Providing opportunities for group activities
c. Designing different working Models for concept formation.
d. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation in Biological Sciences
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Meaning, concept and construction of Blue print, test items and Achievement test.
3. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
4. Assessment of project work in biology (both in the laboratory and in the field), experimental work.
5. Performance based assessment: learners’ record of observations, field diary, herbarium and collection of materials.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)-
1. Preparation of Scrap book to show the Contribution of any two Biologist
2. Conduct any activity among students for linking child’s natural curiosity with natural phenomena like weather, flora and fauna; contexts. Report your Observations.
3. Preparation/ designing programmed instruction material on any topic of Biology to facilitate learners for self – study.
4. Prepare a low cost or waste material based experiment for secondary/ senior secondary schools.
5. Prepare a plan to assess Students’ Practical work in Biology.


 1.  Sood, J.K., 1987: Teaching Life Sciences, Kohali Publisher, Chandigarh.
 2.  Sharma, L.M., 1977: Teaching of Science & Life Science, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi
 3.  Kulshrestha, S.P., 1988: Teaching of Biology, Loyal Book Depot, Meerut
 4.  Yadav K., 1993: Teaching of Life Science, Anmol Publisher, and Daryaganj Delhi.
 5.  Yadav, M.S., 2000: Modern Methods of Teaching Science, Anmol Publishers, Delhi.
 6.  Singh, U.K. & Nayab, A.K., 2003: Science Education Commonwealth Publishers, Daryaganj, New Delhi
 7.  Venkataih, S., 2001: Science education in 21st century Anmol Publishers, Delhi
 8.  Yadav, M.S.(Ed.), 2000 : Teaching Science at Higher Level, Anmol Publishers,Delhi
 9.  Ediger, Marlow & Rao, D.B., 2003: Teaching Science Successfully Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi
 10. Mangal, S.K., 1996: Teaching of Science, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi
 11. Dave, R.H., 1969: Taxonomy of Educational objectives & Achievement Testing, London University Press, London.
 12. Sood, J.K., 1989: New Directions in Science Teaching, Kohli Publishers, Chandigarh.
10 Pedagogy of General Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of General Sciences (Part I)


Student-teachers will be able to-
  1. Understand General Science as an interdisciplinary area of learning.
  2. Understands aims and objectives of teaching General Science at different levels.
  3. Explore different ways of creating learning situations for different concepts of science:
  4. Formulate meaningful inquiry episodes, problem-solving situations, investigatory and discovery learning projects based on upper primary, secondary and higher secondary stages.
  5. Facilitate development of scientific attitudes in learners.
  6. Examine different pedagogical issues in learning science. 6. Stimulate curiosity, inventiveness and creativity in science.
  7. Develop ability to use science concepts for life skills.
  8. Develop competencies for teaching, learning of science through different measures.
  9. Construct appropriate assessment tools for evaluating learning of science.
  10. Understands the CCE pattern of Evaluation.




Unit 1: Nature of General Science as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Nature, Concept, Needs and scope of General science.
2.Science as a domain of enquiry, as a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge, science as a process of constructing knowledge.Science as an interdisciplinary area of learning, science for environment, health, peace & equity and society.
3.Correlation of General Science with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: General Science as a School Subject
1. Importance of General science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & Objectives of teaching General science at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching General Science with reference to N.C.F. 2005.
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of General Science
1. Methods: Lecture-cum Demonstration, Project, Problem solving, Heuristic and Laboratory.
2. Approaches: Constructionist, Concept mapping, Experiential Learning.
 Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
a.Physics -Light, Electricity, Gravitation, Sound.
b.Chemistry- Atom and molecules, Chemical Reactions, Acid, Bases and Salt, Carbon and Its Compounds, metal and non-metals.
c.Biology -Cell and its Structure, Life processes, Diversity in living organisms.
d.Environmental Science- Our Environment, natural resources and its management.
2. Modes of learning engagement in General Science-
a. Providing opportunities for group activities and observations.
b. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work.
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of General Sciences Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Meaning, concept and construction of Achievement test, diagnostic test and remedial teaching.
3. Blue print: Meaning, concept, need and construction.
4. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in Sciences.
5. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work– (Any one of the Following)
  1. Visit Ayurveda college/ science labs to address lauding their working process and draft a report on their contribution to prosperity.
  2. Prepare a concept map on any theme of General Science and explain its importance for Teaching and learning.
  3. Collect Information about Indian Cultural traditions and find out the scientific basis or hidden concern for life and preservation of environment.
  4. Being a Science teacher how you will remove superstitions from the Society. Report your Strategic planning.
  5. Prepare a diagnostic test and apply it in school, after discussion with concerning teacher and give remedial measures.


1.  Sood, J.K. (1987): Teaching Life Sciences, Kohli Publishers, Chandigarh.
2.  Sharma, L.M. (1977): Teaching of Science and Life Sciences, DhanpatRai& Sons, Delhi.
3.  Kulshreshtha, S.P. (1988): Teaching of Biology, Loyal Book Depot, Merrut
4.  Yadav, K. (1993): Teaching of Life Science Anmol Publishers, Daryaganj, Delhi.
5.  Yadav, M.S. (2000): Modern Methods of Teaching Sciences, Anmol Publishers, Delhi
6.  Singh, U.K. &Nayab, A.K. (2003) : Science Education Commonwealth Publishers, Daryaganj, New Delhi
7.  Venkataih, S. (2001): Science Education in 21st Century, Anmol Publishers, Delhi.
8.  Yadav, M.S. (Ed.) (2000): Teaching Science at Higher Level, Anmol Publishers, Delhi.
9.  Edger, Marlow &Rao, D.B. (2003): Teaching Science Successfully, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi.
10. Mangal, S.K. (1996): Teaching of Science, Arya Book Depot, and New Delhi.
11. Dave, R.H.: (1969): Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Achievement Testing, London University Press, London.
12. Sood. J.K. (1989): New Directions in Science Teaching, Kohli Publishers, Chandigarh.
11 Pedagogy of Home Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Home Sciences (Part I)


Student-teachers will be able to:-
1. Understand the nature and importance of home science and its correlation with other subjects.
2. Understand aims and objectives of the subject.
3. Realize the essential unity between laboratory work and theoretical background of the subject.
4. Analyze school syllabus of the subject in relation to its applicability to practical situation and adaptability of the curriculum to local needs.
5. Utilize effectively the instructional material in teaching home science.
6. Construct test items to measure objectives belonging to various cognitive levels.
7. Identify specific learning difficulties in home science and to provide suitable remedial individual instructions to them.




Unit 1: Nature of Home Science as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept and Needs of home science.
2. Nature and scope of Home science
3. Home Science teaching in the context of family, group and society.
Unit 2: Home Science as a School Subject
1. Importance of Home science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Home science at secondary level.Writing objective in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Correlation of Home Science with other School Subjects.
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Home Science
1. Methods: Lecture-cum Demonstration, Experimental, Project, Problem solving, Dramatization, Discussion, Field Trips.
2. Techniques of teaching Home Science.


Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at Senior secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Textile and clothing:- types of fabric yarn making and fabric construction, fabric finishing (specially dyeing and printing), construction of clothing etc. ;Home management – management of time energy, home decoration, floor decoration; Food and Nutrition,Diseases.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Home Science-
a. Providing opportunities for group activities and observations.
b. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Home Sciences Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Construction of Blue Print and achievement test.
3. Performance-based assessment; learners’ record of observations ;( field diary and collection of materials), practical / experimental work.



Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
  1. Prepare a Flip Card on various Scopes of home Science.
  2. Prepare a Power point Presentation on correlation of Home Science with other subjects with proper pictures and examples.
  3. Presentation of drama on any current social or family issue and draft a report on this.(Group Activity)
  4. Make 5 samples of knitting and embroidery and prepare a report on its theoretical aspect.
  5. Prepare a Performance based record of five Students on the basis of your observation.
1.   Sherry, G.P. and Saran, D.P: Grah Vigyan Shikshan, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra, 1969
2.   Asthana, S.R.: Griha Vigyan ka Addhyapan, Laxmi Narain Agarwal, Agra, 1968
3.   Sarla Sharil: Banana Seekho, Atmaram & Sons, Delhi, 1962
4.   Dass, R.R. and Ray, Binita: Teaching of Home Science, Sterling Publishers Pvt., New Delhi, 1984
5.   Sukhiya, S.P. and Mehrotra: Grah Vigyan Shikshan, Haryana Sahitya Akademy, Chandigarh, 1984
6.   Agarwal, Laxminarayan, Teaching of Home Science.
7.   Sherry, G.P. : Home Management.
12 Pedagogy of Social Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Social Sciences (Part I)


The student teacher will be able to:
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Social Science.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of social sciences, as an individual and integrated disciplines.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of Social Science and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of Social Science.
  • Review the Text-book of Social Science (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in social science at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.




Unit 1: Nature of Social Science as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Nature, Need and Scope of social sciences.
2. Historical development of social sciences as a discipline.
3. Correlation of Social Sciences with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: Social Science as a School Subject
1. Importance of social science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching social science at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching social science with reference to N.C.F. 2005.
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Social Science
1. Methods: Lecture, Project, Problem solving, Discussion, Questioning, Dramatization, Role Plays, Story-Telling, Excursion and team teaching.
2. Planning, Organizing and Conduction of small community survey.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Indian Culture, Values and Sanskar, Social Institutions – Family, School, Community, Discrimination, and Fundamentals of democratise society, Local Custom and Traditions.
2. Modes of learning engagement in social studies –
a. Providing opportunities for group activities
b. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work.
c. Library survey
d. Field trips.
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Social Sciences Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in social sciences at secondary level.
3. Construction of achievement test/question paper and blue print.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
1. Identify and interpret news related to positive social changes or initiation.
2. A Panel discussion “good social environment for good ecological environment.”
3. Conduct a community survey on some existing social problem and find out the reasons of the problem.
4. Write a reflective journal on the effect of globalisation in villages (specified village).
5.Choose any one area of social science (History, Geography, Economics & Civics) & prepare a portfolio of any one eminent personality of that subject.


त्यागी  गुरु चरण दास, 2007-08, सामाजिक अध्ययन शिक्षण, प्रेमलता प्रिंटर्स, आगरा। 
सिडाना अशोक, 2007, सामाजिक अध्ययन शिक्षण, शिक्षा प्रकाशन, जयपुर। 
शर्मा, हनुमान सहाय, 2005, सामाजिक पर्यावरण अध्ययन शिक्षक, राधा प्रकाशन मंदिर परशुरापुरी, आगरा 282002
मिश्रा, महेंद्र कुमार, 2008, सामाजिक अध्ययन शिक्षक, क्लासिक कलेक्शन, जयपुर।  
शैदा बी.डी., शैदा ऐ.के., सामाजिक अध्ययन शिक्षक, आर्य बुक डिपो, करोल बाग नई दिल्ली 11005 
पाण्डेय, सोहन लाल, 2006,सामाजिक विज्ञान शिक्षक, श्याम प्रकाशन, जयपुर।
तायल बी.बी., 2002, न्यू कोर्स सामाजिक विज्ञान, आर्य पब्लिकेशन, करोल बाग, न्यू दिल्ली – 110005 
गर्ग, भंवर लाल 1995, सामाजिक विज्ञान शिक्षक, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा।                             
Bedi Yesh Pal, (1980),”social and preventive medicine”, Atma ram sons, karmese gate, Delhi
Gilby Thomas, (1953), “Between community and socity” Longmans, Green and co. London, New York
Chitambar J.B, (1987), “Introductory Rural Sociology” Wiley Eastern Limited. New Bangalore
Ganguli B.N, (1977), “Social Development” AB/9 Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi
Reddy L. Venkateswara, (2005), “methods of Teaching Rural Sociology” Discovery Publishing House, 4831/24, Anrari Road, Prahlad street Darya Ganj, New Delhi
13 Pedagogy of Civics (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Civics (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Civics.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of Civics.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of Civics and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of Civics.
  • Review the Text-book of Civics (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in Civics at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.


Unit 1: Nature of Civics as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Need, Nature and Scope of Civics.
2. Historical development of Civics as a discipline.
3. Importance of Studying Civics in the context of National Integration and International understanding.
4. Correlation of Civics with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: Civics as a School Subject
1. Place of Civics in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Civics at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Civics
1. Methods: Lecture, Project, Problem solving, Role plays, Discussion, Excursion, team teaching and supervised study method.
2. Techniques: Questioning & Interview.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1. Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
The Fundamental Rights, Duties & Directive Policies as mentioned in Indian constitution,The Evolution of Indian constitution, Secularism, Democracy & Socialism.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Civics-
a. Providing opportunities for group activities.
b. Teaching aids and activities in civics room.
c. Library survey.
Unit 5: Evaluation of Civics
1. Purpose and concept of evaluation in civics.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in Civics
3. Evaluation with objectivity, Blue Print, achievement test/question paper in Civics.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one)
1. Make biography of any emerging political party of India discuss its impact on local politics.
2. Arrange a discussion session in classroom about the directive principle of nation and lead the discussion that how people breach it.
3. Collect some photography from magazines, newspaper etc of some burning political issue and prepare an album.
4. Prepare and execute a team-teaching plan based on Civics.
5. Construct an achievement test based on civics.


1.   Bining and Bining: Teaching of Social Studies in Secondary Schools, New York.
2.   Bourne H.E.: Teaching of History and Civics, Bombay, Longmans 1972.
3.   Harlikar: Teaching of Civics in India, Bombay, Padma Publications Ltd.
4.   Raic B.C.: Methods of Teaching Civics, Lucknow, 1985-86.
5 .  बघेला, हेत सिंह : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, राजस्थान हिन्दी ग्रन्थ अकादमी, जयपुर  1993 
6 .  त्यागी, गुरसरनदास : नागरिकशास्त्र का शिक्षण, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा।
7 .  मित्तल, एम.एल : नागरिक शास्त्र का शिक्षण, लायल बुक डिपो, मेरठ।
8.   कुदेसिया, उमेश चंद्र : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा। 
9 .  सिंह, रामपाल : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, आर.लाल. बुक डिपो, मेरठ। 
10. क्षत्रिय, के. : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, लायल बुक डिपो, मेरठ। 
11. श्रीमती संध्या मुखर्जी : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, प्रकाशन  केंद्र, लखनऊ,  1985-86   
14 Pedagogy of Geography (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Geography (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Geography.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of Geography.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of Geography and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of Geography.
  • Review the Text-book of Geography (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in Geography at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.


 Unit 1: Nature of Geography as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Need, Nature and scope of Geography.
2. Historical development of Geography as a discipline.
3. Correlation of Geography with other School Subjects
4. Changing trends in Geography
Unit 2: Geography as a School Subject
1. Place of Geography in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Geography at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Teaching-Learning of Geography
1. Methods: Lecture, Project, Problem solving, Excursion, Discussion, Field Trip, laboratory, Regional, Inductive & Deductive and Supervised Study Method.
2. Techniques: Questioning & Interview.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1. Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
a.Physical Features: Oceans, Mountain Ranges, Sea currents, Desserts, Plains.
b.Trade Winds, Natural Disasters., longitudes & latitudes , physical locations of the continents etc.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Geography –
a. Providing opportunities for group activities.
b. Teaching aids and activities in civics room.
c. Library survey.
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Geography Learning
1. Purpose and concept of evaluation in Geography.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in Geography
3. Evaluation with objectivity, Blue Print, achievement test/question paper in Geography.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any One)
1. Make a detailed sketch of the Nile River & describe how it flows through different countries.
2. Conduct a survey of the people of different social strata residing in different Geographical locations and compile it in report form.
3. Plan your own teaching strategy on any topic of your choice based on geography.
4. Watch any programme on TV and write your experiences about the flora & fauna aspects.
5. Prepare and sketch of the main Geographical features of India with descriptions


1.  वर्मा, जे.पी. : भूगोल शिक्षण, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा 1987 
2.  शर्मा, सी.आर. : भूगोल शिक्षण, मॉर्डन पब्लिशर्स, मेरठ। 
3.  सिंह, एच.एन. : भूगोल शिक्षण, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर आगरा 1987 
4.  अरोड़ा, के.एल. : भूगोल शिक्षण, प्रकाश ब्रदर्स, लुधियाना 1983 
5.  मिश्रा, ए.एन. : भूगोल शिक्षण पद्धति, शिक्षण निकेतन, कानपुर 1959   
6.  Singh, L.P.: Practical Geography, Allied publication, Allahabad.
7.  Barnard, H.C.: Principles and Practice of Geography Teaching, London University, Tutorial press, 1953.
8.  Kaul, A.K.: Why and How of Geography Teaching, Ambanu Publications, Srinagar, 1983.
9.  Verma, O.P. and Vedanayagam E.G., Geography Teaching, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1987.
10. Gopsil, G.H.: The Teaching of Geography, Macmillan K Co.Ltd, London, 1958.
11. Macnee: Teaching of Geography, Oxford University Press, and Bombay.
12. Source Book for Teaching of Geography, UNESCO Publishing.
15 Pedagogy of History (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of History (Part I)


The student teacher will be able to:
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching History.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of History.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of History and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of History.
  • Review the Text-book of History (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in History at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.


Unit 1: Nature of History as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Need, Nature and Scope of History.
2. Historical development of History.
3. Correlation of History with other School Subjects
Unit 2: History as a School Subject
1. Place of History in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching History at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching History with reference to N.C.F. 2005.
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of History
1. Methods : Lecture, Project, Chronological Method, Biographical Method, Source Method,Excursion, team teaching ,dramatization, Role plays, Discussion, story-telling.
2. Techniques: Questioning & Interview.
3. Planning, organizing and conducting a trip to primary and secondary sources of knowing history.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1 Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Battle of Panipat, Khanwa and Haldi Ghati, Revolution of 1857,Round Table Confrences, Quit India Movement,Indus Valley Civilizations , Maya Civilizations.
2. Modes of learning engagement in history –
a. Providing opportunities for group activities
b. Teaching aids and activities in history room
c. Library survey
Unit 5: Evaluation of History Learning
1. Purpose and concept of evaluation in History.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in History
3. Evaluation with objectivity, Blue Print, achievement test/question paper in History.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any One)
Watch a T.V. program based on historical events & mark out its deviations from authentic books of renowned writers.
2 Analyse two different writer’s interpretation of Battle of Haldi Ghati & mark out different findings of theirs.
3 Prepare a survey based report on the primary sources available in your village/town/city & also throw light on their historical importance.
4 Find out the similarities in development of river valley civilisations of India & civilisations abroad.
5 Prepare a time-scale diagram of any historical topic on a chart & put it an school classroom & keep a note of it with you.


1. Aggrawal, J.C. Teaching of History (A practical Approach), Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Choudhary. K.P.; Effective teaching of History in India, NCERT.
3. Ghate, V.D.; Suggestions for the teaching of History in India.
4. Ghose, K.D.; Creative teaching of History OUP
5. Hill, C.P.: Suggestions on the teaching of History.
6. Kochhar, S.K.: Teaching of History, Sterling Publishers Private Limited,New Delhi.
7. Verjeshwary, R.: Hand Book for History teacher in India.

In Hindi Edition:

1. Dixit, Upender Nath and Baghela, Het Singh: History teaching, Raj.Hindi Granth, Akadami, Jaipur
2. Ghate, B.D.; History teaching, Hariyana
3. Tyagi, Gurusharan: History teaching, Vinod Publication, Agra
16 Pedagogy of Economics (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Economics (Part I)

The student teacher will be able to:
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Economics.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of Economics.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of Economics and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of Economics.
  • Review the Text-book of Economics (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in Economics at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.
Unit 1: Nature of Economics as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Need, Nature and Scope of Economics.
2. Historical development of Economics.
3. Correlation of Economics with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: Economics as a School Subject
1. Place of Economics in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Economics at Secondary & Senior Secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Economics
1. Methods & Techniques: Lecture, Project, Questioning, Discussion, Workshop, Problem Solving, Field Trip and Interview.
2. Enriching Economics knowledge through General reference materials, reference books Journals & encyclopaedia & using them in classroom teaching.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1. Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Monetary & Fiscal policy of India, Economic Development, Agriculture, Industry and foreign Trade, Problems of Indian Economy, Population explosion, poverty and unemployment.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Economics –
a. Providing opportunities for group activities
b. Teaching aids and activities in Economics room
c. Library survey


Unit 5: Evaluation of Economics
1. Purpose and concept of evaluation in Economics.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in Economics
3. Evaluation with objectivity, Blue Print, achievement test/question paper in Economics.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
1. Prepare a report on the correlation of economic with other school subjects at secondary or senior secondary level
2. Conduct a survey based study on economic condition of rural people of your area.
3. Critically evaluate the objectives of economics at secondary or senior secondary level.
4.Prepare a lesson plan selecting any one innovative method on any topic of economics at secondary or senior secondary level.
5.Collect some articles based on burning issues of Indian Economy from the Local/National newspapers to present them in classroom or bulletin Board and keep the record of the same.
1. Kanwar, B.S.: Teaching of Economics, Prakash Bros, Ludhiyana, 1973.
2. Rai, B.C.  : Methods of Teaching Economics, Publication Centre, Lucknow, 1986.
3. Siddiqi, M.H.: Teaching of Economics, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi 1993.
4. Bawa, Dr. M.S.(ed) : Teaching of Economics : Contemporary Methods and Strategies for Secondary and Senior Secondary levels, Teachers’ Hand-book; Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Department of Education, University of Delhi, 1995.
5. Tyagi, G.D., Arthashastra Shikshan, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra-2005. 
17 Pedagogy of Music (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Music (Part I)

Pupil teacher will be able :
  • To enable the students to understand the importance, aims, and objectives of teaching Indian Music.
  • To Provide knowledge of different Methods and techniques of teaching Music
  • To acquaint student teacher with latest trends of the art
  • To develop aesthetic sense of the students


UNIT I- Music as a Discipline
  • Nature, Scope and Concept of music.
  • Importance of Music in Developing Aesthetic Sense.
  • Correlation of music with other School subjects
UNIT II Music as a School Subject
  • Aims & objectives of teaching of Music at Senior Secondary Level
  • Nature of contents of Music at Senior Secondary Level
  • Traditional schools of Music & Modern Music Schools
  • Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
UNIT III Methodology of Music
  • Pathshala Method, Programmed Instruction ,Community Resources,Synchronization through computers ,T.V. & Radio as devices of learning Music,Individual Apprenticeship, Riyaj (Regular Drill), Auto Instrumental Learning.
UNIT IV Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Vocal & Instrumental Music, Local forms of Music, Difference between Shruti & Swara, Notation system, Types of Ragas & their Importance ,Basics of Harmonium, Tabla, Sarangee & Sitar, Difference between Geet, Gazal and Nazm.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Music-
a. Observations and experiments in Music: interdisciplinary linkages,
b. Providing opportunities for group activities and idea Sharing
c. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
UNIT V Assessment and Evaluation of Music Learning
  • Evaluation: Meaning, concept.
  • Achievement test and Blue print: Meaning, concept, need and construction.
  • Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
  • Laboratory Assessment, Performance-based assessment.
Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
  • Make five different teaching materials using different type of teaching aids (chart, Model, Power Point, O.H.P. transparencies of Art subject.
  • Make a pictorial presentation of local musical instruments with its historical and cultural significance.
  • Viewing/listening to live and recorded performances of Classical and Regional Art forms & compile your personal feelings on it.
  • While you were in internship if you found any student worth evaluating on any of the aesthetic arts (Music, Dance, and Drama) make an individual port folio & submit it in college.
  • Visit the website www.kavitakosh.org and pick some Nazm & Gazal of Urdu writers & differentiate the composition form
1. Thakur Onkarnath: Pranava Bharti
2. Swaruy, B.: Theory of Indian Music.
3. Digamber. Vishnu: Sangeet Bodh (5 parts)
4. Sangeet Darpan (Sanskrit).
5. Sangeet Ratnakar (Sanskrit).
6. Bhatkhande : Hindustani Sangeet Paddhati
7. Basu. S.N.: Sangeet Praesika.
18 Pedagogy of Business Studies(Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Business Studies (Part I)

Pupil teacher will be able:
To know the meaning, concept and scope of Business Studies
To know the aims and objectives of teaching Business Studies.
To know the place of Business Studies in the school curriculum.
To prepare unit and lesson plans.
To know about the audio-visual aids and importance of text-book.
To know the various methods and techniques of teaching.
To know the principles of curriculum organisation and its critical appraisal.
To know about the evaluation process in the Business Studies.


UNIT – I: Nature of Business Studies as a Discipline
  • Meaning, Nature & Significance of Business Studies as a Discipline.
  • Aims & objectives of teaching Business Studies at Senior Secondary Level.
  • Historical Development of Business Studies.
  • Role of Business Studies in business conduction.
UNIT – II: Business Studies as a School Subject
  • Maxims of Teaching Business Studies
  • Co-relation with other subjects
  • Characteristic features of the subject Business Studies
  • Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
UNIT – III: Methodology of Business Studies
  • Conventional Method, Problem Solving Method, Explanation with Examples, ICT based Teaching, Assignment Technique, Internship, Project Method, Discussion Method, Questioning, SWOT Analysis Technique.
UNIT- IV: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Interview, Job Profile, Individual Appraisal, Motivational Practices, Consumer.
Modes of Learning Engagement & Instructional Design
a. Individual Power point presentation
b. Task assignment
c. Understanding concepts in group
UNIT- V: Evaluation in Business Studies 
  • Evaluation: Meaning, Concept and Importance.
  • Type of tests: Essay, Short answer and Objective type questions and Blue Print.
  • Process of skill based Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
  • Diagnostic & Remedial Test
  • Personal competencies and skills of a good Evaluator
Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
  • Conduct a Mock-Interview session with the help of teacher Educators & take a feedback from them & share the written experience.
  • Study on internet all aspects a business House included in Fortune magazine and prepare a company profile.
  • Organize a group visit to any Industry and Prepare a visit summary.
  • Invite some entrepreneur for delivering a talk in college and note down the prime contents of his speech & analyze them
  • Write a logically explanatory note about your purchase behaviour of all the personal articles/belongings you purchase. List all the daily use/routine use articles/goods/belongings and ascribe the reasons why you prefer a particular brand from particular Shop/Mall only.


  • Tonne, Pohani, Freeman: Methods of Teaching Business Subject, Greogg Publishing Co., New York.
  • Khan, M.S.: The Teaching of Commerce, Sterling Publisher Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
  • Kochar, S.K.: Methods and Techniques of Teaching, Sterling Publisher Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1986.
  • Sharma, R.A.: Technology of Teaching, Loyal Book Dept., Meerut.
  • Rao, Seema : Teaching of Commerce, Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 1995.
  • Jain K.C.S. : Vanyjaya Shikshan (Hindi) Ganeral Academy, Jaipur, 1986
  • Singh, I.B. : Vanigaya Ka Adhyayan, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra, 1968.
  • Bhorali Devadas: Commerce Education in India, D.K. Publishers Distribution (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1988.
  • Rai B.C.: Method of Teaching Commerce, Prakashan Kendra, Lucknow 1986
19 Pedagogy of Financial Accounts (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Financial Accounting (Part I)

Pupil teacher will be able

To help the students to acquire the basic understanding in the field of Financial Accounting education.
  • To develop the ability to plan curriculum and instructions in Financial Accounting at school level.
  • To develop the ability to critically evaluate existing school syllabus and text book.
  • To impart knowledge about the methods and devices of teaching Financial Accounting and to develop the skill of using the same.
  • To develop the ability of fair & comprehensive evaluation.
  • To develop commercial efficiency among students
UNIT – I: Nature of Financial Accounting as a Discipline
  • Meaning, Nature & Significance of Financial Accounting as a Discipline.
  • Aims & objectives of teaching Financial Accounting at Senior Secondary Level.
  • Historical Development of Financial Accounting.
  • Role of accounting in business conduction.
UNIT – II: Financial Accounting as a School Subject
  • Maxims of Teaching Financial Accounting.
  • Co-relation with other school subject.
  • Characteristic features of Modern Accounting Classroom
  • Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
UNIT- III: Methodology of Financial Accounting
  • Conventional Method, Problem Solving Method, Explanation with Examples, ICT based Teaching, Assignment Technique, Internship, Computer Modules/Accounting applications.
UNIT- IV: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement


Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level -Accounting Books, Trial Balance, Final accounts with adjustments, Partnerships Accounts ,Issue of shares
Modes of Learning Engagement & Instructional Design
a. Individual Power point presentation
b. Task assignment
c. Proceeding through textbook help


UNIT- V: Assessment & Evaluation in Financial Accounting
  • Evaluation: Meaning, Concept and Importance.
  • Type of tests: Essay, Short answer and Objective type questions and Blue Print.
  • Process of skill based Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
  • Diagnostic & Remedial Test
  • Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.



Practicum/Field Activities (Any one of the following)
  • Visit any Institute/centre where students are trained for accounting through computer based modules & application software and find out the list of such software/module. Interview the students & the centre/organization owner about the trends and practices in the field.
  • Search on internet about prevalent financial accounting practices of any country in the world other than India & compile the findings
  • Collect all the news (From any renowned newspaper) related to financial issues in a particular month and put them on school/college bulletin Board and keep a file record with you.
  • Organize a talk of any expert of financial issues with the help of teacher educators and compile a report of a pre-planned question answer session therein.
  • Give a financial accounting based same question to five students and after getting written answers from them analyze the common mistakes committed.
1. Rao, Seema: Teaching of Commerce, Anmol Publication Pvt.Ltd.1995.
2. Jain, K.C.S.: Vanijaya Shikshan (Hindi) General Academy, Jaipur, 1986.
3.  Gortside, L:  Teaching Business subjects. The Modern Approach made and printed in Great Britain by the Garen Press Ltd. Leteh worth, Hest Fordshgire, 1970.
4.  Neeb, W.B.  : Modern Business Practice, the Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1965.
5.  Khan, M.S.: The Teaching of Commerce, Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd, Jullundar-3
6.  Singh, J.B.: Vanijaya Ka Adhyayan, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra, 1968.
7.  Bhorali, Devadas: Commerce Education in India, D.K. Publishers Distributors (P) Ltd, New Delhi 1988.
8. Rai, B.C.: Method of Teaching Commerce, Prakashan Kendra Lucknow, 1986.
20 Pedagogy of Drawing and Painting (Part – I)

Paper – VI & VII Pedagogy of Drawing and Painting (Part – I)


Student – teachers will be able to:
  1. Understand the Principles and important concepts of Drawing and Painting as an Art.
  2. Understand the place of Art in general education.
  3. Acquaint with the strategies of classroom teaching of art education.
  4. Understand the importance and educational values of Art-Room, Art-Museums, Art-Exhibitions and Art-Galleries.
  5. Understand the role of Art in National Integration, Human Values and international understanding.
  6. Prepare suitable teaching aids and use them classroom effectively.
  7. Understand the creative aspect of the teaching of art.


Course Content


UNIT 1 Art and Education
  1. Meaning of Art.
  2. The changing status of education and the place of Art in General education.
  • Systematic study in Art Education with reference to national integration, human values and international understanding.
  1. The Educational values of Art and its relation with other school subjects.


UNIT 2 Basic Principle of Art Teaching
  1. Art teaching and creativity.
  2. Importance of creative activities at various stages of School Education from nursery to secondary level. NCF – 2005.
  • Emotions, observation and imagination as a basis for creation of Art.
  1. Free Expression.
UNIT 3 Teaching of Art
Methods of Art Teaching
  1. Methods of free expression
  2. methods of assigned topic
  • Dictate method
  1. Copy method
  2. Visual aids in teaching of Arts, Black board, Art objects, Reproduction, Photographs and other Teaching aids.


UNIT 4 Art Room and Art Teacher
  1. The art Teacher
  2. Role of Art Teacher in Classroom Teaching
  3. Qualities of an Art Teacher
  4. Importance of Art Room in School
  • Educational values of Art-Exhibition, Art- Museum and Art- Galleries.


UNIT 5 Planning in Art Teaching
  1. The Syllabus of Art Teaching at Secondary level
  2. Objectives of Art Teaching
  • Concept, objectives and Importance of CCE. in Art Teaching
  1. Lesson Plan and Unit Plan in Art Teaching.


Practicum/Field work: (Any one of the following)
  1. Organize an exhibition on Hand made things.
  2. Organize funfair on products related to Art and draft a report with pictures.
  3. Exploration and experimentation with different methods of Visual Arts like Painting, block printing, collage, clay modeling, paper cutting and folding, etc.
  4. Field trip/Educational Tour, Art committee, fair and Exhibition Art galleries and Museum.
  5. Documentation of the processes of any one Art or Craft form with the pedagogical basis such as weaving or printing of textiles, folk performances in the community.


  1. Jefferson,B. (1559): “Teaching Art to Children” Allyan & Bacon Inc. Boston
  2. Jeswani, KK.” “Teaching and Appreciation of Art” Atma Ram & Sons
  3. Lowenfeld, V(1957) : Creative and Mental Growth
  4. The Macmillan Comp. New York
  5. McDonald, R : Art as Education, “Henry Holt & Company New York
  6. Read, Herbert (1942) : “Education through Art” Faber & Faber, London.
  7. Whitfor, WG (1929): ” An Introduction to Art-Education” D. Appleton & Co.
7 Seventh Pedagogy Course II (Part I)
S.No. Paper Name
1 Pedagogy of Hindi (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Hindi(Part I)

पाठ्यक्रम के विशेष उद्देश्य
  • भाषा  की अलग-अलग भूमिकाओं को जानना 
  • भाषा सीखने की सृजनात्मक प्रक्रिया को जानना 
  • भाषा के स्वरूप और व्यवस्था को समझना
  • भाषा और साहित्य के संबंध को जानना 
  • हिंदी भाषा के विविध रूपों और अभिवक्तियो को जानना 
  • भावों और विचारों की स्वतंत्र अभिव्यक्ति करना 
  • भाषायी बारीकियों के प्रति संवेदनशील होना 
  • अनुवाद के महत्व और भूमिका को जानना 
  • विधार्थियो की सृजनात्मक क्षमता को पहचाना 
  • बच्चों  की भाषायी विकास के प्रति समझ बनाना और उसे समुन्नत करने के लिए विद्यालय में तरह – तरह के मौके जुटाना 
  • भाषा के मूल्यांकन की प्रक्रिया को जानना 
  • साहित्यिक और गैर साहित्यिक मौलिक रचनाओं की समझ और सराहना 
  • भाषा सीखने-सिखाने के सृजनात्मक दृष्टिकोण को समझना 




इकाई -1 : हिंदी भाषा की प्रकृति व विषयपरकता 
समाज में भाषा 
अ. भाषा और लिंग 
ब. भाषा  और अस्मिता 
स. भाषा और वर्ग 
विद्यालय में भाषा 
अ. घर की भाषा और स्कूल की भाषा व विषयवस्तु समझने में उनकी भूमिका 
ब. ज्ञान सृजन और भाषा 
स. विषय के रूप में भाषा व माध्यम के रूप में भाषा – अन्तर 
संविधान और शिक्षा समितियों की रिपोर्ट में भाषा तथा भाषाओं की स्थिति 
अ. धारा 343 -351 
ब. कोठारी कमिशन 1964 – 1966, राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति – 1986 पी.ओ.ए. – 1992          


इकाई -2 : स्कूली विषय के रूप में  हिंदी भाषा
हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण के उद्देश्य। 
स्कूली विषय के रूप में हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण की चुनौतियां 
रोचकता के साथ शिक्षण 
स्कूली स्तर पर भाषा को समृद्ध  व सहज बनाने के उपाय 
सामन्यपाठ योजना के चरण व पाठ्शाला के सन्दर्भ में उद्देश्य लेखन 


इकाई -3 : हिंदी भाषा को सीखने सिखाने की पद्धतियाँ / तरीके 
भाषा सीखने सिखाने की विभिन्न दृष्टियाँ –
अ. भाषा अर्जन और अधिगम का दार्शनिक, सामाजिक और मनोवैज्ञानिक आधार 
ब. भाषा अर्जन के तरीके 
स. भाषा शिक्षण की प्रचलित विधियां / प्रणलियाँ और उनका विश्लेषण – व्याकरण अनुवाद प्रणाली, प्रत्यक्ष प्रणाली 


इकाई – 4 : हिंदी भाषा के अधिगम आधार व शिक्षाशास्त्रीय विश्लेषण 
  1. भाषायी दक्षताएँ  – सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना और लिखना 
सुनना और बोलना – सम्प्रत्यय, सुनने और बोलने के कौशल विकास के स्रोत और सामग्री, रोल प्ले, कहानी सुनना, सवांद, मल्टीमीडिया तथा मौलिक सामग्री की सहायता से संप्रेषणात्मक वातावरण का निर्माण 
पढ़ना – सम्प्रत्यय, मौन और मुखर पठन, गहन-पठन, विस्तृत पठन, पढ़ने के कौशल विकास में सृजनात्मक साहित्य कहानी, कविता आदि, शब्दकोश और इन्साइक्लोपीडिया का उपयोग।
लिखना – सम्प्रत्यय, लिखने के चरण, लेखन – प्रक्रिया, सृजनात्मक लेखन, औपचारिक और अनौपचारिक लेखन कहानी, कविता, संवाद, डायरी, पत्र, रिपोर्ट, समाचार  आदि। 
  1. स्कूली विषय के रूप में हिंदी भाषा की निम्नलिखित विषयवस्तु का अध्ययन कर उनको पढ़े 
हिंदी भाषा : वर्णमाला, संधि, काल, पल्ल्वन, पत्र लेखन, गद्य एवं पद्य की समीक्षा 


इकाई – 5 : हिंदी भाषा में मूल्यांकन 
  1. मूल्यांकन का अर्थ एवं विशेषताएं 
  2. प्रश्नों का स्वरूप, प्रश्नों के आधार बिन्दु – समस्या समाधान संबंधी, सृजनात्मक 
चिंतन, समालोचनात्मक चिंतन, कल्पनशीलता को जीवित करने वाले। परिवेशीय सजगता वाले प्रश्न 
  1. भाषा विकास की प्रगति का आंकलन – सतत और समग्र मूल्यांकन, स्वमूल्यांकन आपसी 
मूल्यांकन, समूह मूल्यांकन, पोर्टफोलियो, ब्लू प्रिंट।
  1. फीडबैक विद्यार्थी, अभिभावक और अध्यापक रिपोर्ट।     


गतिविधि/ पोर्टफ़ोलियो / परियोजना कार्य कोई एक 
  1. हिंदी में लिखित किसी भी लेख के विभिन्न पक्षों का अध्ययन कर उसी शैली का एक अन्य लेख किसी अन्य भाव पर केंद्रित कर लिखें। 
  2. कक्षा को दो दलों में बांटकर एक शब्द के अधिकतम पर्यावाची बताने की प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन करें व विजेता दाल की घोषणा करें व उस पर रिपोर्ट तैयार करें।  
  3. बालकों की पारिवारिक पृष्ठ्भूमि के संबधं में संवाद स्थापित करते हुए उनके भाषा कौशल को परिवेशगत प्रभाव के आधार पर परखिए। 
  4. किसी विषयवस्तु पर विविध प्रश्नों का समावेश करते हुए 25 अंको के एक मूल्यांकन प्रश्न पत्र का निर्माण करना।  
  5. हिंदी व संस्कृत की वर्णमाला का तुलनामत्मक अध्ययन कर दोनों के बीच समानताओं व असमानताओं पर टिप्पणी लिखो।  


सन्दर्भ पुस्तकें :
  • हिंदी शिक्षण रमन बिहारीलाल 
  • हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण भाई योगेन्द्रजीत 
  • माध्यमिक विद्यालयों  में हिंदी शिक्षण निरंजन कुमार सिंह 
  • हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण भोलानाथ तिवारी तथा कैलाशचंद  भाटिया 
  • भाषा शिक्षण रविंद्र नाथ श्रीवास्तव 
  • मानक हिंदी व्याकरण आचार्य रामचंद्र वर्मा 
  • भाषा ब्लूमफील्ड 
  • शुद्ध हिंदी डॉ भागीरथ मिश्र 
  • हिंदी उच्चारण एवं वर्तनी भगवती प्रसाद शुक्ल 
  • हिंदी की ध्वनियों और उनका शिक्षण के.के.सुखिया 
  • अभिव्यक्ति विज्ञान – भोलेनाथ तिवारी तथा कृष्ण दत्त शर्मा 
  • व्यवहारिक हिंदी व्याकरण – हरदेव बाहरी 
  • नागरी लिपि और हिंदी वर्तनी – अनंत चौधरी 
  • शब्दार्थ दर्शन – रामचंद्र वर्मा 
  • भाषा सम्प्राति  मूल्याङ्कन – के.जी.रस्तोगी 
  • हिंदी शब्दानुशासन – किशोरीदास वाजपेयी 
2 Pedagogy of English (Part-I)
Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of English (Part I)
  • Understand the Nature & Role of English language
  • Understand the pronunciation patterns in English
  • Understand the linguistic behaviour of the individual and the society
  • Understand the different roles of language
  • Understand the relation between literature and language
  • To be able to develop creativity among learners
  • To be able to examine authentic literary and non literary texts and develop insight and appreciation
  • Understand the use of language in context, such as grammar and vocabulary
  • To be able to develop activities and tasks for learners
  • Understand the importance of home language and school language
  • To be able to use multilingualism as a strategy in the classroom situation
  • Understand about the teaching of Poetry, Prose and Drama
  • Identify methods, approaches and materials for teaching English at different levels
  • Understand constructive approach to language teaching and learning
  • Understand the process of language assessment
  • Familiarise students with our rich culture, heritage and aspects of our contemporary life
UNIT 1: Nature & Role of English Language as a Discipline
Nature of English language, English as a global language.
Objectives of Teaching English at Secondary and Senior Secondary.
Pronunciation-linguistic diversity, its impact on English Speech and writing, Understanding symbolical coding for pronunciation.
LINGUISTIC SYSTEM: The organisation of sounds; the structure of sentences; The concept of Universal grammar; Nature and structure of meaning; Basic concept in phonology, morphology, Syntax and semantics.
LANGUAGE IN SCHOOL: Home language and School language; Medium of understanding (child’s own language); Language and construction of knowledge; Difference between language as a school- subject and language as a means of learning and communication; Critical review of Medium of Instruction.
CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS AND POLICIES OF LANGUAGE EDUCATION: Position of Languages in India; Articles 343-351; Kothari Commission (1964-66); NPE-1986; POA-1992; National Curriculum Framework-2005 (language education).
UNIT 2: Position of English in INDIA
1. Position of English as second language in India
2. English and Indian languages
3. Challenges of teaching and learning English
4. Formal & informal learning of English
5. Understanding the following labels used in the dictionaries in Indian context
Approving, Disapproving, Figurative, Formal, Humorous, Informal, Ironic, Literary, Offensive, Rare Slang, Spoken, Technical, Written, Taboo, Old fashioned, Old use, AmE, BrE, Dialect.
UNIT 3: An Overview of Language Teaching & Methodologies
Philosophical, social and psychological bases of approaches to Language acquisition and Language learning; whole language approach; constructive approach.
Grammar translation method, Direct method ,Structural-situational method, Audio-lingual method, Natural method, Communicative approach, inductive and deductive approach;
UNIT 4: Acquisition of Language Skills for English as a School Subject
1. A surface discussion of the contents of grammar at Secondary & Senior Secondary level & the inter linkages of the topics.
2. Ways of Building Vocabulary.
3. Dictionary as a formal source of vocabulary building
1. Steps for teaching a prose and poetry.
2. Unit Plan.
3. Daily Lesson Plan.
ACQUISITION OF LANGUAGE SKILLS (In reference to English)::
Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
1.Listening and Speaking: Concept,Tasks, Materials and resources for developing the listening and speaking skills: Storytelling, dialogues, situational conversations, role plays, speech, pictures, authentic materials and multimedia resources.
2.Reading:Concept, Importance of understanding the development of reading skills; Reading aloud and silent reading; Extensive and intensive reading.
3.Writing: Concept, Stages and Process of writing; Formal and Informal writing, such as poetry, short story, letter, diary, notices, articles, reports, Reference skills.
4. Major barriers of Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing.
5. Prevalent practices in Indian classrooms for developing Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing skills & challenges.
6. Innovative practices in developing LSRW skills.
UNIT 5: Evaluation Strategies of English
1. Evaluation: Meaning and concept.
2. Typology of questions; Activities and tasks (open-ended questions, MCQ, true and false etc.) reflecting—Problem solving, creative and critical thinking, Enhancing imagination and environmental awareness.
3. Progress and assessment of development of language; Continuous and comprehensive evaluation; Techniques of evaluation-oral, written, portfolio; Cloze test, Self evaluation; Peer evaluation; Group evaluation, Blue print.


Activities/Practicum/Fieldwork (Any one of the following)
1. Take a few passages from Science, Social Science and Maths textbooks of Classes VI to VII and analyse:
(i) How the different forms of language have been introduced?
(ii) Does the language clearly convey the meaning of the topic being discussed?
(iii) Is the language learner-friendly?
(iv) Is the language too technical?
(v) Does it help in language learning?
Now write an analysis based on the above issues.
2. Do a survey of two schools (Secondary or Senior Secondary) in your neighbourhood to find out the challenges faced by the teachers and the learners in the teaching-learning process of English. The survey may be based on types of books introduced, family support in learning, school resources support, teaching strategies, learning hurdles etc. Prepare the findings in report form.
3. Find out some of the following labels/words used in your English text book: Approving, Disapproving, Figurative, Formal, Humorous, Informal, Ironic, Literary, Offensive, Rare Slang, Spoken, Technical, Written, Taboo, Old fashioned, Old use, AmE, BrE, Dialect. Analyse them in your local understanding & context.
4. Keeping in view the needs of the children with special needs prepare two activities for English teaching.
5. Picking up a child from family/School Prepare a portfolio of any exceptional child/specially-abled/slow learner about his/her developmental aspects of language.


1Bansal, R.K. and Harrison, J.B.(1972):Spoken English for India. Madras: Orient Longman Ltd.
2. Baruah, T.C. (1985): The English Teachers’ Handbook, New Delhi: Sterling Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
3. Bright and McGregor: Teaching English as Second Language, Longman.
4. Brumfit, C.J.(1984):Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge: C.U.P.
5. Collins Cobuild English Grammar (2000) Harper Collins Publisher, India.
6. Doff, A. (1988): Teach English: Cambridge: CUP.
7. Freeman, Diane-Larsen (2000): Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: OUP
8. Gimson A.C. (1980): An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English. London: Edward Arnold.
9. Hornby, A..S. (1968): A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English. Oxford: OUP.
10. Lado, Robert (1971) Language Teaching, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing House Co. Ltd.
11. Leech, Geoffrey and Svartvik, (2000) Communicative Grammar of English Cambridge C.U.P.
12. Paliwal, A.K. (1998): English Language Teaching, Jaipur: Surbhi Publication.
13. Palmer, H.L. (1964-65): The Principles of Language Study, London: O.U.P.
14. Quirk, Randolph and Greenbaum, (1973): A University Grammar of English, London.
15. Richards, J.C. and Rodgers, T.S.: Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching,  Cambridge C.U.P.
16. Roach, Peter, (1991):  English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge, C.U.P.
17. Thomson, A.J. and Martinet (1998) A Practical English Grammar, ELBS, O.U.P.
18. Ur, P. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.
19. Venkateshwaran, S (1995) Principles of Teaching English. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
3 Pedagogy of Sanskrit (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Sanskrit (Part I)

Understand the different roles of language
Understand the relation between literature and language
To be able to develop creativity among learners
To be able to examine authentic literary and non literary texts and develop insight and appreciation
Understand the use of language in context, such as grammar and vocabulary
To be able to develop activities and tasks for learners
Understand the importance of home language and school language and role of mother tongue in education
To be able to use multilingualism as a strategy in the classroom situation
Understand about the teaching of poetry, prose and drama
Identify methods, approaches and materials for teaching Sanskrit at different levels
Understand constructive approach to language teaching and learning
Understand the process of language assessment
Familiarise students with our rich culture, heritage and aspects of our contemporary life. Language classroom and texts have a lot of scope to make students sensitive towards surroundings, people and the nation
UNIT 1: Nature & Role of Sanskrit as a Discipline
1. SANSKRIT LANGUAGE: Concept, Nature & Origin & Development
a) Concept of home language and the school language
b) Language and construction of knowledge
c) Difference between language as a school-subject and language as a means of learning and communication
d. Objectives of teaching Sanskrit.
1) Position of languages in India
2) Constitutional provisions and policies of language education (Articles 343, 351, 350A)
3) Kothari Commission (1964-66); National Curriculum Framework-2005 (language education)
UNIT 2: Position of Sanskrit Language as a School Subject in INDIA
a) Origin, development, Changing trends & goals in Sanskrit Language.
b) Sanskrit language and Indian languages
c) Socio-cultural importance of Sanskrit language.
d) Importance and problem of teaching Sanskrit in India.
e) Sanskrit at International level.
2. Instructional Design plan
1. Instructional Design of prose, poetry and grammar based lessons.
UNIT 3: An Overview of Language Teaching & Methodologies
1. Philosophical, social and psychological bases of approaches to Language, Acquisition and Language learning
Direct Method, Traditional Method, Textbook Method, Elective Method, Communicative Approach, Grammar Translation Method, Inductive and deductive approach.
UNIT 4: Acquisition of Language Skills for Sanskrit as a School Subject
a. A surface discussion of the contents of grammar at Secondary & Senior Secondary level & the inter linkages of the topics.
b. Ways of vocabulary enrichment
c. Memorisation as a traditional Practice in Sanskrit.
D.Understanding Panini (ikf.kuh) approach of teaching grammar & seeing it in modern context.
2. ACQUISITION OF LANGUAGE SKILLS (In reference to Sanskrit) :
Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
a .Listening and Speaking: Concept,Tasks, Materials and resources for developing the listening and speaking skills: Storytelling, dialogues, situational conversations, role plays, speech, pictures, authentic materials and multimedia resources.
b.Reading:Concept, Importance of understanding the development of reading skills; Reading aloud and silent reading; Extensive and intensive reading.
c.Writing: Concept, Stages and Process of writing; Formal and Informal writing, such as poetry, short story, letter, diary, notices, articles, reports, Reference skills.
d. Major barriers of Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing.
e. Prevalent practices in Indian classrooms for developing Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing skills & challenges.
f. Innovative practices in developing LSRW skills.
g. Psychological misconceptions for learning Sanskrit.
UNIT 5: Evaluation Strategies of Sanskrit
1. Evaluation: Meaning and concept.
2. Typology of questions; Activities and tasks (open-ended questions, MCQ, true and false etc.) reflecting-Problem solving, creative and critical thinking, Enhancing imagination and environmental awareness.
3. Progress and assessment of development of language; Continuous and comprehensive evaluation; Techniques of evaluation-oral, written, portfolio; Cloze test, Self evaluation; Peer evaluation; Group evaluation, Blue print.


Practicum/activities/Field work (Any One of the following)
1. Take a few passages from Sanskrit textbooks of Classes VI to VII and analyse:
(i) How the different forms of language have been introduced?
(ii) Does the language clearly convey the meaning of the topic being discussed?
(iii) Is the language learner-friendly?
(iv) Is the language too technical?
(v) Does it help in language learning?
Now write an analysis based on the above issues.
2. Do a survey of two schools (Secondary or Senior Secondary) in your neighbourhood to find out the challenges faced by the teachers and the learners in the teaching-learning process of Sanskrit. The survey may be based on introduction level of subject, school resources support, teaching strategies, learning hurdles, psychological & socio-cultural aspects etc. Prepare the findings in report form.
3. Collect interesting folktales in Sanskrit and tell half story to the students & leave the half to imaginatively anticipate it. Find the interesting conclusions & write down your class experiences.
4. Keeping in view the needs of the children with special needs prepare two activities for Sanskrit teaching.
5. Picking up a child from family/School Prepare a portfolio of any exceptional child/specially-abled/slow learner about his/her developmental aspects of language.


1. Apte, D.G.and Dongre, P.K. Teaching of Sanskrit in Secondary School.
2. ब्लूम फ़ील्ड अनुवादक-प्रसाद, डॉ विश्वनाथ,1968 ‘भाषा’ दिल्ली-7 बंगलो रोड़ जवाहरनगर।
3. Bokil, V.P. and Parason, M.R.: A New Approach to Sanskrit, Lokasangrapa Press, Poona.
4. चौबे, बी.एन. संस्कृत शिक्षण
5. चतुर्वेदी एस.आर. संस्कृत शिक्षण
6.  K.Verma Raja : Teaching of Sanskrit.
7. Kale, M.R. : The Higher Sanskrit Grammar.
8. Lado, Robert (1961).”Language Teaching”. London: Longman.
9. मित्तल, डॉ संतोष 1999-2000, संस्कृत शिक्षण, मेरठ, आर  लाल डिपो।
10. नारंग, वैस्ना 1996, संप्रेषणात्मक भाषा शिक्षण, नई दिल्ली प्रकाशन संस्थान दयानंद मार्ग ।
11. सफ़ाया आर.एन. 1990, संस्कृत शिक्षण, चंडीगढ़, हरियाणा साहित्य अकादमी।
12. Sharma, Bela Rani, (2002) “Modern Methods of Teaching Sanskrit”. New Delhi 110088.


4 Pedagogy Rajasthani (Part-I)

Understand children of different ages by interacting and observing them in diverse social, economic, and cultural contexts rather than through an exclusive focus on psychological theories of child development.

5 Pedagogy of Urdu (Part-I)

Understand children of different ages by interacting and observing them in diverse social, economic, and cultural contexts rather than through an exclusive focus on psychological theories of child development.

6 Pedagogy of Mathematics (Part-I)

Paper-VI &VII Pedagogy of Mathematics (Part I)


The students will be able to-
  • Gain insight into the meaning, nature, scope and objectives of mathematics education.
  • Appreciate mathematics as a tool to engage the mind of every student.
  • Understand the process of developing the concepts related to Mathematics.
  • Appreciate the role of mathematics in day to day life.
  • Learn important mathematics: mathematics more than formulas and mechanical procedures.
  • Pose and solve meaningful problems.
  • Construct appropriate assessment tools for evaluation mathematics learning.
  • Understand methods and techniques of teaching mathematics.
  • Perform pedagogical analysis of various Topics in mathematics at secondary level.
  • Understand and use I.C.T. in teaching of mathematics.
  • Understand and use continuous and comprehensive evaluation, diagnostic testing and remedial teaching in Mathematics.


Unit:1 Nature of Mathematics as a Discipline
1.Meaning and Nature of mathematics.
2.Historical development of mathematics as a discipline Contribution of Indian and western mathematicians like Ramanujan, Aryabhatt, Bhaskarcharya, Pythogorous and Euclid.
3. Constructionist approach in learning mathematics.
Unit:2 Mathematics as a School Subject
1.Importance of mathematics in school curriculum.
2.Aims and objectives of teaching mathematics at secondary level. Writing objectives in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised)
3.Correlation of mathematics with other school subjects.
4.Changing trends and goals of teaching mathematics with reference of NCF 2005
5.Concept mapping of themes related to mathematics.
Unit:3 Planning, Methods and Techniques
1.Unit Plan and Daily Lesson Plan.
2.Methods of teaching mathematics at secondary level –
Lecture cum demonstration, Inductive-Deductive, Problem Solving, Project, Heuristic, and Analytic & Synthetic
3.Techniques of teaching mathematics: Oral work, written work, Drill work, Home assignment.
Unit:4 Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Number system,Measures of central tendency,Congruence and similarity, Trigonometrical ratios and identities,Area and Volume,Profit, loss and partnership,Compound interest,Graphical representation data.
2. Modes of learning engagement in mathematics
(a)Providing opportunities for group activities
(b)Designing different Working Models for concept formation
(c)Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
(d)Reflective written assignments
Unit:5 Evaluation in Mathematics
1.Evaluation:Meaning and concept.
2.Continuous and compressive evaluation (CCE) in mathematics at secondary level
3.Diagnostic Testing, Remedial Teaching and enrichment programme for:
Gifted Learners,Slow Learners,Learners with Discalculia,
4.Difficulties Faced by the Teacher in Teaching of Mathematics and Suggestive Measure to overcome them.
5.Construction of achievement test/question paper blue print in mathematics.


Practicum/Field Work-(Any one of the following)
1.Prepare a Concept map related to any theme of Mathematics and Explain how it facilitates teaching and learning.
2.Prepare a project related to Mathematics and report your steps.
3.Prepare a power point presentation on brief history and contribution of two mathematicians.
4.Conduct a group activity on any topic of mathematics and report your Experiences.
5.Observation of Mathematics class-room teaching in any secondary school and prepare a list of errors committed by students.


1.Mangal,S.K. Sadharan Ganit Shikshan, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi.
2.BhatnagarA.B. New Dimensions in the teaching of Maths, Modern Publishers, Meerut.
3.Jain S.L.: Ganit Shikshan Sansthan, Rajsthan HindiGranth Academy, Jaipur.
4.Agrawal S.M. Teaching of Modern MathematicsDhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
5.Jagadguru Swami: Vedic Mathematics, Moti LalBanarasidas Publisher, Delhi
6.Kapur J.N.Modern Mathematics for Teachers, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi
7 Pedagogy of Physical Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Physical Sciences (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
1. Gain insight on the meaning, nature and scope of physical science for determining aims and strategies of teaching-learning.
2. Appreciate that science is a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge;
3. Trace historical background of Physical sciences
4. Identify and relate everyday experiences with learning physical science;
5. Appreciate various approaches of teaching-learning of physical science;
6. Perform Pedagogical analysis of various topics in Physical Sciences
7. Analyze the contents of Physical science with respect to Content, process, skills, knowledge organization and other critical issues.
8. Use effectively different activities/demonstrations/laboratory experiences for teaching-learning of physical science;
9. Integrate physical science knowledge with other school subjects.
10. To understand meaning, concept and various types of assessment.


Unit 1: Nature of Physical Sciences as a Discipline
1. Concept, Nature Needs and Scope of Physical Sciences.
2. Historical Background Physical Sciences with special reference to India.
Contribution of C.V. Raman, M.N. Saha, K.S.Krishnan,J.C. Bose,H.JBhabha, S. Chandra Shekhar and A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in the field of Physics.
3. Science as a domain of enquiry, as a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge, as a process of constructing knowledge.
Unit 2: Physical Sciences as a School Subject
1. Importance of Physical Science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Physical Science at school level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Correlation of Physical Sciences with other School Subjects.
4. Unit Plan and Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Physical Sciences-
1. Essential Skills to Develop Scientific attitude and temper.
2.Methods and approaches : – Lecture – cum Demonstration, Team teaching, project , problem solving , Group discussion, Programmed instruction, Inductive- Deductive, Investigatory approach, Concept mapping, Collaborative learning .
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary and Senior secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Light, Electricity, Magnetism, Gravitation, Laws of Motion, Work and Energy, Sound.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Physical Science-
a. Observations and experiments in Physical sciences: interdisciplinary linkages,
b. Relating knowledge to students daily life situations.
c. Providing opportunities for group activities and idea Sharing
d. Designing different working Models for concept formation
e. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Physical Sciences Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Meaning, concept and construction of Achievement test
3. Blue print: Meaning, concept, need and construction.
4. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
5. Assessment of project work (both in the laboratory and in the field), experimental work in Physical Science.
6. Performance-based assessment; learner’s record of observations, Oral presentation of learners work, portfolio.


Practicum/Field Work--(Any one of the following)
  1. Prepare a concept map on any topic and explain how it Facilitates Students’ Learning.
  2. Description and Design of an Improvised Apparatus
  3. Write a reflective journal on any current issue releted to physical science.
  4. Planning an out of class activity to use local resources to teach Physics and report your experiences.
  5. Prepare a plan to assess Students’ Practical work in Physics.
1. Heiss, Oburn and Hoffman: Modern Science, the Macmillan Company, New York 1961.
2. Thurber W. and A. Collette: Teaching Science in Today’s Secondary schools, Boston Allyan and Bacon Inc., New York, 1959.
3. Vaidya, N. “The Impact of Science Teaching”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1971.
4. Richardson, S.: “Science Teaching in Secondary Schools”, Prentice Hall, USA, 1957.
5. Sharma, R.C. and Sukla: “Modern Science Teaching” DhanpatRai and Sons, Delhi, 2002.
6. Ravi Kumar S.K., “Teaching of Science”, Mangal deep Publications 2000.
7. RaoAman : Teaching of Physics, Anmol Publications, New Delhi, 1993.
8. WadhwaShalini : Modern Methods of Teaching Physics, Sarup and Sons, New Delhi, 2001.
9. Gupta S.K. : Teaching Physics Sciences in Secondary Schools, Sterling Publishers (P) ltd., New Delhi, 1989.

10 मंगल एस.के. : साधारण विज्ञान शिक्षण, आर्य बुक डिपो  नई दिल्ली, 1996
11 त्यागी एस.के. : भौतिक विज्ञान शिक्षण, साहित्य प्रकाशन, आगरा, 2000
8 Pedagogy of Chemistry (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Chemistry (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
1. Gain insight on the meaning and nature of chemistry for determining aims and strategies of teaching-learning.
2. Appreciate that science is a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge.
3. Appreciate the fact that every child possesses curiosity about his/her natural surroundings.
4. Identify and relate everyday experiences with learning chemistry.
5. Trace historical background of Chemistry..
6. Appreciate various approaches of teaching-learning of chemistry.
7.Analyze the contents of Chemistry with respect to Content, process, skills, knowledge organization and other critical issues.
8. Perform Pedagogical analysis of various topics in Chemistry.
9. Use effectively different activities/ demonstration/laboratory experiences for teaching-learning of chemistry.
10. Integrate chemistry knowledge with other school subjects.
11. Understand meaning, concept and various types of assessment.


Unit 1: Nature of Chemistry as a Discipline
1. Concept, Nature, Needs and Scope of Chemistry.
2. Historical Background of Chemistry with special reference to India.
3. Correlation of Chemistry with other School Subjects
Unit 2: Chemistry as a School Subject
1. Importance of Chemistry in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Chemistry at school level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching Chemistry.
4. Unit Plan and Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Chemistry
1. Essential Skills to Develop Scientific attitude and temper.
2. Methods and Approaches: Lecture – cum Demonstration, Team teaching, project, problem solving, Heuristic, Group discussion, programmed instruction, Inductive- Deductive, Constructionist approach, Concept mapping, Collaborative learning.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary and Senior secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Solutions, colloids, chemical equilibrium, electro-chemistry, mechanical and thermal properties of matter, chemical bonding and molecular structure, periodic table,Atom and molecules, Chemical Reactions, Acid ,Bases and Salt, Carbon and Its Compounds, metal and non-metals etc.)
2. Modes of learning engagement in Chemistry-
a. Observations and experiments in Chemistry: interdisciplinary linkages,
b. Relating knowledge to students’ daily life situations.
C. Providing opportunities for group activities and idea sharing
d. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work.
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Chemistry Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Meaning, concept and construction of Achievement test, Diagnostic testing and remedial teaching.
3. Blue print: Meaning, concept, need and construction.
4. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in Sciences.
5. Assessment of project work (both in the laboratory and in the field), experimental work in Chemistry.
6. Performance-based assessment; learner’s record of observations, field diary, Oral presentation of learners work, portfolio.


Practicum/Field Work-(Any one of the Following)
1. Perform Some Simple Experiment to clarify any Concept in Chemistry and to develop Observation Skills. Prepare a report of entire activity.
2. Organization of exploratory activities to develop scientific attitude and temper. Report your Experiences
3. Plan an innovation method of teaching chemistry so as to facilitate the correlation of content with other subjects/ day to day life. Teach that lesson in class and report complete activity with your experiences.
4. Write a reflective journal on some innovative trends in Chemistry teaching and their importance in Achieving aims of teaching chemistry at different level.
5. Prepare a diagnostic test and apply it in school, after discussion with concerning teacher and give remedial measures.


1. Yadav, M.S.1995, Teaching of Chemistry, Anmol Publication, New Delhi.
2. Megi, J.S. &Negi, Rasuita, 2001, Teaching of Chemistry.
3. Yadav, M.S. 2000: Teaching Science at Higher level, Anmol Publications, New Delhi.
4. Misra, D.C.: Chemistry Teaching, Sahitya Preparation, Agra
5. Khirwadbar, Anjab 2003: Teaching of Chemistry by Modern Method, Sarup& Sons. New Delhi.
6. Das, R.C., 1985: Science Teaching in Schools, Sterling publishers Pvt. Limited. New Delhi
7. Venkataih, S., 2001: Science Education in 21st Century, Anmol Publishers, New Delhi.
8 Rao, D.B., 2001: World conference on Science Education Discovery publishing work, New Delhi.
9. Singh, U.K&Nayab, and A.K.: 2003: Science Education, Commonwealth Publishers, Daryaganj, And New Delhi.
10. Singh, Y.K. & Sharma Archnesh, 2003: Modern Methods of Teaching Chemistry A.P.H. Publishing corporation, Daryaganj, New Delhi.
9 Pedagogy of Biological Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Biological Science (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
1.  Develop insight on the meaning and nature of biological science for determining aims and strategies of teaching- learning.
2.  Appreciate that science is a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge.
3.  Appreciate the fact that every child possesses curiosity about his/her natural surroundings.
4.  Identify and relate everyday experiences with learning of biological science.
5.  Appreciate various approaches of teaching- learning of biological science.
6.  Explore the process, skill in science and role of laboratory in teaching- learning.
7.  Use effectively different activities / experiments/ demonstrations / laboratory experiences for teaching-learning of biological science.
8.  Integrate the biological science knowledge with other school subjects.
9.  Analyze the contents of biological science with respect to Content, process, skills, knowledge organization and other critical issues.
10. Perform Pedagogical analysis of various topics in Physical Sciences.
11. Develop process-oriented objectives based on the content themes/units.
12. To understand meaning, concept and various types of assessment.


Unit 1: Nature of Biological Science as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Nature, Need and Scope of Biological science.
2. Historical development of Biological science as a discipline. Contribution of Indian and western Biologist like HargobindKhurana, Mohinder Singh Randhawa, Salim Ali, Mendel, Darwin, and Lamark in the field of Biology
3. Correlation of Biological Science with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: Biological Science as a School Subject
1. Importance of Biological science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Biological science at school level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching Biology
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Biological Science
1. Methods: Lecture-cum Demonstration, Team teaching, Project, Problem solving, Programmed instruction, Collaborative learning.
2. Approaches: Inquiry approach, Concept mapping, Constructionist approach.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1. Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary and Senior Secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Biological science for environment and health, peace, equity, origin of life and evolution, biodiversity, Photosynthesis, Life processes and factors affecting it.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Biological Science-
a. Observations and experiments in biological sciences: interdisciplinary linkages,
b. Providing opportunities for group activities
c. Designing different working Models for concept formation.
d. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation in Biological Sciences
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Meaning, concept and construction of Blue print, test items and Achievement test.
3. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
4. Assessment of project work in biology (both in the laboratory and in the field), experimental work.
5. Performance based assessment: learners’ record of observations, field diary, herbarium and collection of materials.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)-
1. Preparation of Scrap book to show the Contribution of any two Biologist
2. Conduct any activity among students for linking child’s natural curiosity with natural phenomena like weather, flora and fauna; contexts. Report your Observations.
3. Preparation/ designing programmed instruction material on any topic of Biology to facilitate learners for self – study.
4. Prepare a low cost or waste material based experiment for secondary/ senior secondary schools.
5. Prepare a plan to assess Students’ Practical work in Biology.


 1.  Sood, J.K., 1987: Teaching Life Sciences, Kohali Publisher, Chandigarh.
 2.  Sharma, L.M., 1977: Teaching of Science & Life Science, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi
 3.  Kulshrestha, S.P., 1988: Teaching of Biology, Loyal Book Depot, Meerut
 4.  Yadav K., 1993: Teaching of Life Science, Anmol Publisher, and Daryaganj Delhi.
 5.  Yadav, M.S., 2000: Modern Methods of Teaching Science, Anmol Publishers, Delhi.
 6.  Singh, U.K. & Nayab, A.K., 2003: Science Education Commonwealth Publishers, Daryaganj, New Delhi
 7.  Venkataih, S., 2001: Science education in 21st century Anmol Publishers, Delhi
 8.  Yadav, M.S.(Ed.), 2000 : Teaching Science at Higher Level, Anmol Publishers,Delhi
 9.  Ediger, Marlow & Rao, D.B., 2003: Teaching Science Successfully Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi
 10. Mangal, S.K., 1996: Teaching of Science, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi
 11. Dave, R.H., 1969: Taxonomy of Educational objectives & Achievement Testing, London University Press, London.
 12. Sood, J.K., 1989: New Directions in Science Teaching, Kohli Publishers, Chandigarh.
10 Pedagogy of General Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of General Sciences (Part I)


Student-teachers will be able to-
  1. Understand General Science as an interdisciplinary area of learning.
  2. Understands aims and objectives of teaching General Science at different levels.
  3. Explore different ways of creating learning situations for different concepts of science:
  4. Formulate meaningful inquiry episodes, problem-solving situations, investigatory and discovery learning projects based on upper primary, secondary and higher secondary stages.
  5. Facilitate development of scientific attitudes in learners.
  6. Examine different pedagogical issues in learning science. 6. Stimulate curiosity, inventiveness and creativity in science.
  7. Develop ability to use science concepts for life skills.
  8. Develop competencies for teaching, learning of science through different measures.
  9. Construct appropriate assessment tools for evaluating learning of science.
  10. Understands the CCE pattern of Evaluation.




Unit 1: Nature of General Science as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Nature, Concept, Needs and scope of General science.
2.Science as a domain of enquiry, as a dynamic and expanding body of knowledge, science as a process of constructing knowledge.Science as an interdisciplinary area of learning, science for environment, health, peace & equity and society.
3.Correlation of General Science with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: General Science as a School Subject
1. Importance of General science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & Objectives of teaching General science at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching General Science with reference to N.C.F. 2005.
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of General Science
1. Methods: Lecture-cum Demonstration, Project, Problem solving, Heuristic and Laboratory.
2. Approaches: Constructionist, Concept mapping, Experiential Learning.
 Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
a.Physics -Light, Electricity, Gravitation, Sound.
b.Chemistry- Atom and molecules, Chemical Reactions, Acid, Bases and Salt, Carbon and Its Compounds, metal and non-metals.
c.Biology -Cell and its Structure, Life processes, Diversity in living organisms.
d.Environmental Science- Our Environment, natural resources and its management.
2. Modes of learning engagement in General Science-
a. Providing opportunities for group activities and observations.
b. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work.
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of General Sciences Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Meaning, concept and construction of Achievement test, diagnostic test and remedial teaching.
3. Blue print: Meaning, concept, need and construction.
4. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in Sciences.
5. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work– (Any one of the Following)
  1. Visit Ayurveda college/ science labs to address lauding their working process and draft a report on their contribution to prosperity.
  2. Prepare a concept map on any theme of General Science and explain its importance for Teaching and learning.
  3. Collect Information about Indian Cultural traditions and find out the scientific basis or hidden concern for life and preservation of environment.
  4. Being a Science teacher how you will remove superstitions from the Society. Report your Strategic planning.
  5. Prepare a diagnostic test and apply it in school, after discussion with concerning teacher and give remedial measures.


1.  Sood, J.K. (1987): Teaching Life Sciences, Kohli Publishers, Chandigarh.
2.  Sharma, L.M. (1977): Teaching of Science and Life Sciences, DhanpatRai& Sons, Delhi.
3.  Kulshreshtha, S.P. (1988): Teaching of Biology, Loyal Book Depot, Merrut
4.  Yadav, K. (1993): Teaching of Life Science Anmol Publishers, Daryaganj, Delhi.
5.  Yadav, M.S. (2000): Modern Methods of Teaching Sciences, Anmol Publishers, Delhi
6.  Singh, U.K. &Nayab, A.K. (2003) : Science Education Commonwealth Publishers, Daryaganj, New Delhi
7.  Venkataih, S. (2001): Science Education in 21st Century, Anmol Publishers, Delhi.
8.  Yadav, M.S. (Ed.) (2000): Teaching Science at Higher Level, Anmol Publishers, Delhi.
9.  Edger, Marlow &Rao, D.B. (2003): Teaching Science Successfully, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi.
10. Mangal, S.K. (1996): Teaching of Science, Arya Book Depot, and New Delhi.
11. Dave, R.H.: (1969): Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Achievement Testing, London University Press, London.
12. Sood. J.K. (1989): New Directions in Science Teaching, Kohli Publishers, Chandigarh.
11 Pedagogy of Home Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Home Sciences (Part I)


Student-teachers will be able to:-
1. Understand the nature and importance of home science and its correlation with other subjects.
2. Understand aims and objectives of the subject.
3. Realize the essential unity between laboratory work and theoretical background of the subject.
4. Analyze school syllabus of the subject in relation to its applicability to practical situation and adaptability of the curriculum to local needs.
5. Utilize effectively the instructional material in teaching home science.
6. Construct test items to measure objectives belonging to various cognitive levels.
7. Identify specific learning difficulties in home science and to provide suitable remedial individual instructions to them.




Unit 1: Nature of Home Science as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept and Needs of home science.
2. Nature and scope of Home science
3. Home Science teaching in the context of family, group and society.
Unit 2: Home Science as a School Subject
1. Importance of Home science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Home science at secondary level.Writing objective in behavioural terms. Bloom’s taxonomy (revised).
3. Correlation of Home Science with other School Subjects.
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Home Science
1. Methods: Lecture-cum Demonstration, Experimental, Project, Problem solving, Dramatization, Discussion, Field Trips.
2. Techniques of teaching Home Science.


Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at Senior secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Textile and clothing:- types of fabric yarn making and fabric construction, fabric finishing (specially dyeing and printing), construction of clothing etc. ;Home management – management of time energy, home decoration, floor decoration; Food and Nutrition,Diseases.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Home Science-
a. Providing opportunities for group activities and observations.
b. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Home Sciences Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Construction of Blue Print and achievement test.
3. Performance-based assessment; learners’ record of observations ;( field diary and collection of materials), practical / experimental work.



Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
  1. Prepare a Flip Card on various Scopes of home Science.
  2. Prepare a Power point Presentation on correlation of Home Science with other subjects with proper pictures and examples.
  3. Presentation of drama on any current social or family issue and draft a report on this.(Group Activity)
  4. Make 5 samples of knitting and embroidery and prepare a report on its theoretical aspect.
  5. Prepare a Performance based record of five Students on the basis of your observation.
1.   Sherry, G.P. and Saran, D.P: Grah Vigyan Shikshan, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra, 1969
2.   Asthana, S.R.: Griha Vigyan ka Addhyapan, Laxmi Narain Agarwal, Agra, 1968
3.   Sarla Sharil: Banana Seekho, Atmaram & Sons, Delhi, 1962
4.   Dass, R.R. and Ray, Binita: Teaching of Home Science, Sterling Publishers Pvt., New Delhi, 1984
5.   Sukhiya, S.P. and Mehrotra: Grah Vigyan Shikshan, Haryana Sahitya Akademy, Chandigarh, 1984
6.   Agarwal, Laxminarayan, Teaching of Home Science.
7.   Sherry, G.P. : Home Management.
12 Pedagogy of Social Science (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Social Sciences (Part I)


The student teacher will be able to:
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Social Science.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of social sciences, as an individual and integrated disciplines.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of Social Science and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of Social Science.
  • Review the Text-book of Social Science (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in social science at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.




Unit 1: Nature of Social Science as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Nature, Need and Scope of social sciences.
2. Historical development of social sciences as a discipline.
3. Correlation of Social Sciences with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: Social Science as a School Subject
1. Importance of social science in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching social science at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching social science with reference to N.C.F. 2005.
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Social Science
1. Methods: Lecture, Project, Problem solving, Discussion, Questioning, Dramatization, Role Plays, Story-Telling, Excursion and team teaching.
2. Planning, Organizing and Conduction of small community survey.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Indian Culture, Values and Sanskar, Social Institutions – Family, School, Community, Discrimination, and Fundamentals of democratise society, Local Custom and Traditions.
2. Modes of learning engagement in social studies –
a. Providing opportunities for group activities
b. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work.
c. Library survey
d. Field trips.
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Social Sciences Learning
1. Evaluation: Meaning and Concept.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in social sciences at secondary level.
3. Construction of achievement test/question paper and blue print.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
1. Identify and interpret news related to positive social changes or initiation.
2. A Panel discussion “good social environment for good ecological environment.”
3. Conduct a community survey on some existing social problem and find out the reasons of the problem.
4. Write a reflective journal on the effect of globalisation in villages (specified village).
5.Choose any one area of social science (History, Geography, Economics & Civics) & prepare a portfolio of any one eminent personality of that subject.


त्यागी  गुरु चरण दास, 2007-08, सामाजिक अध्ययन शिक्षण, प्रेमलता प्रिंटर्स, आगरा। 
सिडाना अशोक, 2007, सामाजिक अध्ययन शिक्षण, शिक्षा प्रकाशन, जयपुर। 
शर्मा, हनुमान सहाय, 2005, सामाजिक पर्यावरण अध्ययन शिक्षक, राधा प्रकाशन मंदिर परशुरापुरी, आगरा 282002
मिश्रा, महेंद्र कुमार, 2008, सामाजिक अध्ययन शिक्षक, क्लासिक कलेक्शन, जयपुर।  
शैदा बी.डी., शैदा ऐ.के., सामाजिक अध्ययन शिक्षक, आर्य बुक डिपो, करोल बाग नई दिल्ली 11005 
पाण्डेय, सोहन लाल, 2006,सामाजिक विज्ञान शिक्षक, श्याम प्रकाशन, जयपुर।
तायल बी.बी., 2002, न्यू कोर्स सामाजिक विज्ञान, आर्य पब्लिकेशन, करोल बाग, न्यू दिल्ली – 110005 
गर्ग, भंवर लाल 1995, सामाजिक विज्ञान शिक्षक, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा।                             
Bedi Yesh Pal, (1980),”social and preventive medicine”, Atma ram sons, karmese gate, Delhi
Gilby Thomas, (1953), “Between community and socity” Longmans, Green and co. London, New York
Chitambar J.B, (1987), “Introductory Rural Sociology” Wiley Eastern Limited. New Bangalore
Ganguli B.N, (1977), “Social Development” AB/9 Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi
Reddy L. Venkateswara, (2005), “methods of Teaching Rural Sociology” Discovery Publishing House, 4831/24, Anrari Road, Prahlad street Darya Ganj, New Delhi
13 Pedagogy of Civics (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Civics (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Civics.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of Civics.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of Civics and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of Civics.
  • Review the Text-book of Civics (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in Civics at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.


Unit 1: Nature of Civics as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Need, Nature and Scope of Civics.
2. Historical development of Civics as a discipline.
3. Importance of Studying Civics in the context of National Integration and International understanding.
4. Correlation of Civics with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: Civics as a School Subject
1. Place of Civics in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Civics at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Civics
1. Methods: Lecture, Project, Problem solving, Role plays, Discussion, Excursion, team teaching and supervised study method.
2. Techniques: Questioning & Interview.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1. Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
The Fundamental Rights, Duties & Directive Policies as mentioned in Indian constitution,The Evolution of Indian constitution, Secularism, Democracy & Socialism.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Civics-
a. Providing opportunities for group activities.
b. Teaching aids and activities in civics room.
c. Library survey.
Unit 5: Evaluation of Civics
1. Purpose and concept of evaluation in civics.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in Civics
3. Evaluation with objectivity, Blue Print, achievement test/question paper in Civics.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one)
1. Make biography of any emerging political party of India discuss its impact on local politics.
2. Arrange a discussion session in classroom about the directive principle of nation and lead the discussion that how people breach it.
3. Collect some photography from magazines, newspaper etc of some burning political issue and prepare an album.
4. Prepare and execute a team-teaching plan based on Civics.
5. Construct an achievement test based on civics.


1.   Bining and Bining: Teaching of Social Studies in Secondary Schools, New York.
2.   Bourne H.E.: Teaching of History and Civics, Bombay, Longmans 1972.
3.   Harlikar: Teaching of Civics in India, Bombay, Padma Publications Ltd.
4.   Raic B.C.: Methods of Teaching Civics, Lucknow, 1985-86.
5 .  बघेला, हेत सिंह : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, राजस्थान हिन्दी ग्रन्थ अकादमी, जयपुर  1993 
6 .  त्यागी, गुरसरनदास : नागरिकशास्त्र का शिक्षण, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा।
7 .  मित्तल, एम.एल : नागरिक शास्त्र का शिक्षण, लायल बुक डिपो, मेरठ।
8.   कुदेसिया, उमेश चंद्र : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा। 
9 .  सिंह, रामपाल : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, आर.लाल. बुक डिपो, मेरठ। 
10. क्षत्रिय, के. : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, लायल बुक डिपो, मेरठ। 
11. श्रीमती संध्या मुखर्जी : नागरिक शास्त्र शिक्षण, प्रकाशन  केंद्र, लखनऊ,  1985-86   
14 Pedagogy of Geography (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Geography (Part I)

Student-teachers will be able to:-
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Geography.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of Geography.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of Geography and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of Geography.
  • Review the Text-book of Geography (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in Geography at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.


 Unit 1: Nature of Geography as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Need, Nature and scope of Geography.
2. Historical development of Geography as a discipline.
3. Correlation of Geography with other School Subjects
4. Changing trends in Geography
Unit 2: Geography as a School Subject
1. Place of Geography in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Geography at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Teaching-Learning of Geography
1. Methods: Lecture, Project, Problem solving, Excursion, Discussion, Field Trip, laboratory, Regional, Inductive & Deductive and Supervised Study Method.
2. Techniques: Questioning & Interview.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1. Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
a.Physical Features: Oceans, Mountain Ranges, Sea currents, Desserts, Plains.
b.Trade Winds, Natural Disasters., longitudes & latitudes , physical locations of the continents etc.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Geography –
a. Providing opportunities for group activities.
b. Teaching aids and activities in civics room.
c. Library survey.
Unit 5: Assessment & Evaluation of Geography Learning
1. Purpose and concept of evaluation in Geography.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in Geography
3. Evaluation with objectivity, Blue Print, achievement test/question paper in Geography.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any One)
1. Make a detailed sketch of the Nile River & describe how it flows through different countries.
2. Conduct a survey of the people of different social strata residing in different Geographical locations and compile it in report form.
3. Plan your own teaching strategy on any topic of your choice based on geography.
4. Watch any programme on TV and write your experiences about the flora & fauna aspects.
5. Prepare and sketch of the main Geographical features of India with descriptions


1.  वर्मा, जे.पी. : भूगोल शिक्षण, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर, आगरा 1987 
2.  शर्मा, सी.आर. : भूगोल शिक्षण, मॉर्डन पब्लिशर्स, मेरठ। 
3.  सिंह, एच.एन. : भूगोल शिक्षण, विनोद पुस्तक मंदिर आगरा 1987 
4.  अरोड़ा, के.एल. : भूगोल शिक्षण, प्रकाश ब्रदर्स, लुधियाना 1983 
5.  मिश्रा, ए.एन. : भूगोल शिक्षण पद्धति, शिक्षण निकेतन, कानपुर 1959   
6.  Singh, L.P.: Practical Geography, Allied publication, Allahabad.
7.  Barnard, H.C.: Principles and Practice of Geography Teaching, London University, Tutorial press, 1953.
8.  Kaul, A.K.: Why and How of Geography Teaching, Ambanu Publications, Srinagar, 1983.
9.  Verma, O.P. and Vedanayagam E.G., Geography Teaching, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1987.
10. Gopsil, G.H.: The Teaching of Geography, Macmillan K Co.Ltd, London, 1958.
11. Macnee: Teaching of Geography, Oxford University Press, and Bombay.
12. Source Book for Teaching of Geography, UNESCO Publishing.
15 Pedagogy of History (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of History (Part I)


The student teacher will be able to:
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching History.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of History.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of History and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of History.
  • Review the Text-book of History (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in History at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.


Unit 1: Nature of History as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Need, Nature and Scope of History.
2. Historical development of History.
3. Correlation of History with other School Subjects
Unit 2: History as a School Subject
1. Place of History in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching History at secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Changing trends and goals of teaching History with reference to N.C.F. 2005.
4. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of History
1. Methods : Lecture, Project, Chronological Method, Biographical Method, Source Method,Excursion, team teaching ,dramatization, Role plays, Discussion, story-telling.
2. Techniques: Questioning & Interview.
3. Planning, organizing and conducting a trip to primary and secondary sources of knowing history.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1 Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Battle of Panipat, Khanwa and Haldi Ghati, Revolution of 1857,Round Table Confrences, Quit India Movement,Indus Valley Civilizations , Maya Civilizations.
2. Modes of learning engagement in history –
a. Providing opportunities for group activities
b. Teaching aids and activities in history room
c. Library survey
Unit 5: Evaluation of History Learning
1. Purpose and concept of evaluation in History.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in History
3. Evaluation with objectivity, Blue Print, achievement test/question paper in History.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any One)
Watch a T.V. program based on historical events & mark out its deviations from authentic books of renowned writers.
2 Analyse two different writer’s interpretation of Battle of Haldi Ghati & mark out different findings of theirs.
3 Prepare a survey based report on the primary sources available in your village/town/city & also throw light on their historical importance.
4 Find out the similarities in development of river valley civilisations of India & civilisations abroad.
5 Prepare a time-scale diagram of any historical topic on a chart & put it an school classroom & keep a note of it with you.


1. Aggrawal, J.C. Teaching of History (A practical Approach), Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Choudhary. K.P.; Effective teaching of History in India, NCERT.
3. Ghate, V.D.; Suggestions for the teaching of History in India.
4. Ghose, K.D.; Creative teaching of History OUP
5. Hill, C.P.: Suggestions on the teaching of History.
6. Kochhar, S.K.: Teaching of History, Sterling Publishers Private Limited,New Delhi.
7. Verjeshwary, R.: Hand Book for History teacher in India.

In Hindi Edition:

1. Dixit, Upender Nath and Baghela, Het Singh: History teaching, Raj.Hindi Granth, Akadami, Jaipur
2. Ghate, B.D.; History teaching, Hariyana
3. Tyagi, Gurusharan: History teaching, Vinod Publication, Agra
16 Pedagogy of Economics (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Economics (Part I)

The student teacher will be able to:
  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Economics.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature of Economics.
  • Encourage to grasp concepts and to develop thinking skills.
  • Define and differentiate the concept of Economics and explain its relative position in the Syllabus.
  • Evaluate the existing school syllabus of Economics.
  • Review the Text-book of Economics (Secondary level).
  • Apply appropriate methods and techniques of teaching particular topics at different levels.
  • Prepare; select and utilize different teaching aids.
  • Perform Pedagogical Analysis of various topics in Economics at secondary level.
  • Understand the concept of multiple assessment techniques.
Unit 1: Nature of Economics as a Discipline
1. Meaning, Concept, Need, Nature and Scope of Economics.
2. Historical development of Economics.
3. Correlation of Economics with other School Subjects.
Unit 2: Economics as a School Subject
1. Place of Economics in school curriculum.
2. Aims & objectives of teaching Economics at Secondary & Senior Secondary level.Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
Unit 3: Methodology of Economics
1. Methods & Techniques: Lecture, Project, Questioning, Discussion, Workshop, Problem Solving, Field Trip and Interview.
2. Enriching Economics knowledge through General reference materials, reference books Journals & encyclopaedia & using them in classroom teaching.
Unit 4: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1. Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Monetary & Fiscal policy of India, Economic Development, Agriculture, Industry and foreign Trade, Problems of Indian Economy, Population explosion, poverty and unemployment.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Economics –
a. Providing opportunities for group activities
b. Teaching aids and activities in Economics room
c. Library survey


Unit 5: Evaluation of Economics
1. Purpose and concept of evaluation in Economics.
2. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) in Economics
3. Evaluation with objectivity, Blue Print, achievement test/question paper in Economics.
4. Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.


Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
1. Prepare a report on the correlation of economic with other school subjects at secondary or senior secondary level
2. Conduct a survey based study on economic condition of rural people of your area.
3. Critically evaluate the objectives of economics at secondary or senior secondary level.
4.Prepare a lesson plan selecting any one innovative method on any topic of economics at secondary or senior secondary level.
5.Collect some articles based on burning issues of Indian Economy from the Local/National newspapers to present them in classroom or bulletin Board and keep the record of the same.
1. Kanwar, B.S.: Teaching of Economics, Prakash Bros, Ludhiyana, 1973.
2. Rai, B.C.  : Methods of Teaching Economics, Publication Centre, Lucknow, 1986.
3. Siddiqi, M.H.: Teaching of Economics, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi 1993.
4. Bawa, Dr. M.S.(ed) : Teaching of Economics : Contemporary Methods and Strategies for Secondary and Senior Secondary levels, Teachers’ Hand-book; Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Department of Education, University of Delhi, 1995.
5. Tyagi, G.D., Arthashastra Shikshan, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra-2005. 
17 Pedagogy of Music (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Music (Part I)

Pupil teacher will be able :
  • To enable the students to understand the importance, aims, and objectives of teaching Indian Music.
  • To Provide knowledge of different Methods and techniques of teaching Music
  • To acquaint student teacher with latest trends of the art
  • To develop aesthetic sense of the students


UNIT I- Music as a Discipline
  • Nature, Scope and Concept of music.
  • Importance of Music in Developing Aesthetic Sense.
  • Correlation of music with other School subjects
UNIT II Music as a School Subject
  • Aims & objectives of teaching of Music at Senior Secondary Level
  • Nature of contents of Music at Senior Secondary Level
  • Traditional schools of Music & Modern Music Schools
  • Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
UNIT III Methodology of Music
  • Pathshala Method, Programmed Instruction ,Community Resources,Synchronization through computers ,T.V. & Radio as devices of learning Music,Individual Apprenticeship, Riyaj (Regular Drill), Auto Instrumental Learning.
UNIT IV Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
1.Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Vocal & Instrumental Music, Local forms of Music, Difference between Shruti & Swara, Notation system, Types of Ragas & their Importance ,Basics of Harmonium, Tabla, Sarangee & Sitar, Difference between Geet, Gazal and Nazm.
2. Modes of learning engagement in Music-
a. Observations and experiments in Music: interdisciplinary linkages,
b. Providing opportunities for group activities and idea Sharing
c. Teaching aids and activities in laboratory work
UNIT V Assessment and Evaluation of Music Learning
  • Evaluation: Meaning, concept.
  • Achievement test and Blue print: Meaning, concept, need and construction.
  • Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
  • Laboratory Assessment, Performance-based assessment.
Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
  • Make five different teaching materials using different type of teaching aids (chart, Model, Power Point, O.H.P. transparencies of Art subject.
  • Make a pictorial presentation of local musical instruments with its historical and cultural significance.
  • Viewing/listening to live and recorded performances of Classical and Regional Art forms & compile your personal feelings on it.
  • While you were in internship if you found any student worth evaluating on any of the aesthetic arts (Music, Dance, and Drama) make an individual port folio & submit it in college.
  • Visit the website www.kavitakosh.org and pick some Nazm & Gazal of Urdu writers & differentiate the composition form
1. Thakur Onkarnath: Pranava Bharti
2. Swaruy, B.: Theory of Indian Music.
3. Digamber. Vishnu: Sangeet Bodh (5 parts)
4. Sangeet Darpan (Sanskrit).
5. Sangeet Ratnakar (Sanskrit).
6. Bhatkhande : Hindustani Sangeet Paddhati
7. Basu. S.N.: Sangeet Praesika.
18 Pedagogy of Business Studies(Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Business Studies (Part I)

Pupil teacher will be able:
To know the meaning, concept and scope of Business Studies
To know the aims and objectives of teaching Business Studies.
To know the place of Business Studies in the school curriculum.
To prepare unit and lesson plans.
To know about the audio-visual aids and importance of text-book.
To know the various methods and techniques of teaching.
To know the principles of curriculum organisation and its critical appraisal.
To know about the evaluation process in the Business Studies.


UNIT – I: Nature of Business Studies as a Discipline
  • Meaning, Nature & Significance of Business Studies as a Discipline.
  • Aims & objectives of teaching Business Studies at Senior Secondary Level.
  • Historical Development of Business Studies.
  • Role of Business Studies in business conduction.
UNIT – II: Business Studies as a School Subject
  • Maxims of Teaching Business Studies
  • Co-relation with other subjects
  • Characteristic features of the subject Business Studies
  • Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
UNIT – III: Methodology of Business Studies
  • Conventional Method, Problem Solving Method, Explanation with Examples, ICT based Teaching, Assignment Technique, Internship, Project Method, Discussion Method, Questioning, SWOT Analysis Technique.
UNIT- IV: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement
Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level –
Interview, Job Profile, Individual Appraisal, Motivational Practices, Consumer.
Modes of Learning Engagement & Instructional Design
a. Individual Power point presentation
b. Task assignment
c. Understanding concepts in group
UNIT- V: Evaluation in Business Studies 
  • Evaluation: Meaning, Concept and Importance.
  • Type of tests: Essay, Short answer and Objective type questions and Blue Print.
  • Process of skill based Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
  • Diagnostic & Remedial Test
  • Personal competencies and skills of a good Evaluator
Practicum/Field Work (Any one of the following)
  • Conduct a Mock-Interview session with the help of teacher Educators & take a feedback from them & share the written experience.
  • Study on internet all aspects a business House included in Fortune magazine and prepare a company profile.
  • Organize a group visit to any Industry and Prepare a visit summary.
  • Invite some entrepreneur for delivering a talk in college and note down the prime contents of his speech & analyze them
  • Write a logically explanatory note about your purchase behaviour of all the personal articles/belongings you purchase. List all the daily use/routine use articles/goods/belongings and ascribe the reasons why you prefer a particular brand from particular Shop/Mall only.


  • Tonne, Pohani, Freeman: Methods of Teaching Business Subject, Greogg Publishing Co., New York.
  • Khan, M.S.: The Teaching of Commerce, Sterling Publisher Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
  • Kochar, S.K.: Methods and Techniques of Teaching, Sterling Publisher Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1986.
  • Sharma, R.A.: Technology of Teaching, Loyal Book Dept., Meerut.
  • Rao, Seema : Teaching of Commerce, Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 1995.
  • Jain K.C.S. : Vanyjaya Shikshan (Hindi) Ganeral Academy, Jaipur, 1986
  • Singh, I.B. : Vanigaya Ka Adhyayan, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra, 1968.
  • Bhorali Devadas: Commerce Education in India, D.K. Publishers Distribution (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1988.
  • Rai B.C.: Method of Teaching Commerce, Prakashan Kendra, Lucknow 1986
19 Pedagogy of Financial Accounts (Part-I)

Paper-VI & VII Pedagogy of Financial Accounting (Part I)

Pupil teacher will be able

To help the students to acquire the basic understanding in the field of Financial Accounting education.
  • To develop the ability to plan curriculum and instructions in Financial Accounting at school level.
  • To develop the ability to critically evaluate existing school syllabus and text book.
  • To impart knowledge about the methods and devices of teaching Financial Accounting and to develop the skill of using the same.
  • To develop the ability of fair & comprehensive evaluation.
  • To develop commercial efficiency among students
UNIT – I: Nature of Financial Accounting as a Discipline
  • Meaning, Nature & Significance of Financial Accounting as a Discipline.
  • Aims & objectives of teaching Financial Accounting at Senior Secondary Level.
  • Historical Development of Financial Accounting.
  • Role of accounting in business conduction.
UNIT – II: Financial Accounting as a School Subject
  • Maxims of Teaching Financial Accounting.
  • Co-relation with other school subject.
  • Characteristic features of Modern Accounting Classroom
  • Unit Plan & Daily Lesson Plan.
UNIT- III: Methodology of Financial Accounting
  • Conventional Method, Problem Solving Method, Explanation with Examples, ICT based Teaching, Assignment Technique, Internship, Computer Modules/Accounting applications.
UNIT- IV: Pedagogical Analysis and Mode of Learning Engagement


Pedagogical analysis of the units with reference to concepts, learning outcomes, activities and learning experiences and evaluation techniques of following content at secondary level i.e. planning for teaching following contents at different level -Accounting Books, Trial Balance, Final accounts with adjustments, Partnerships Accounts ,Issue of shares
Modes of Learning Engagement & Instructional Design
a. Individual Power point presentation
b. Task assignment
c. Proceeding through textbook help


UNIT- V: Assessment & Evaluation in Financial Accounting
  • Evaluation: Meaning, Concept and Importance.
  • Type of tests: Essay, Short answer and Objective type questions and Blue Print.
  • Process of skill based Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
  • Diagnostic & Remedial Test
  • Difficulties Faced by the teacher in evaluation process and suggestive measures to overcome them.



Practicum/Field Activities (Any one of the following)
  • Visit any Institute/centre where students are trained for accounting through computer based modules & application software and find out the list of such software/module. Interview the students & the centre/organization owner about the trends and practices in the field.
  • Search on internet about prevalent financial accounting practices of any country in the world other than India & compile the findings
  • Collect all the news (From any renowned newspaper) related to financial issues in a particular month and put them on school/college bulletin Board and keep a file record with you.
  • Organize a talk of any expert of financial issues with the help of teacher educators and compile a report of a pre-planned question answer session therein.
  • Give a financial accounting based same question to five students and after getting written answers from them analyze the common mistakes committed.
1. Rao, Seema: Teaching of Commerce, Anmol Publication Pvt.Ltd.1995.
2. Jain, K.C.S.: Vanijaya Shikshan (Hindi) General Academy, Jaipur, 1986.
3.  Gortside, L:  Teaching Business subjects. The Modern Approach made and printed in Great Britain by the Garen Press Ltd. Leteh worth, Hest Fordshgire, 1970.
4.  Neeb, W.B.  : Modern Business Practice, the Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1965.
5.  Khan, M.S.: The Teaching of Commerce, Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd, Jullundar-3
6.  Singh, J.B.: Vanijaya Ka Adhyayan, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra, 1968.
7.  Bhorali, Devadas: Commerce Education in India, D.K. Publishers Distributors (P) Ltd, New Delhi 1988.
8. Rai, B.C.: Method of Teaching Commerce, Prakashan Kendra Lucknow, 1986.
20 Pedagogy of Drawing and Painting (Part – I)

Paper – VI & VII Pedagogy of Drawing and Painting (Part – I)


Student – teachers will be able to:
  1. Understand the Principles and important concepts of Drawing and Painting as an Art.
  2. Understand the place of Art in general education.
  3. Acquaint with the strategies of classroom teaching of art education.
  4. Understand the importance and educational values of Art-Room, Art-Museums, Art-Exhibitions and Art-Galleries.
  5. Understand the role of Art in National Integration, Human Values and international understanding.
  6. Prepare suitable teaching aids and use them classroom effectively.
  7. Understand the creative aspect of the teaching of art.


Course Content


UNIT 1 Art and Education
  1. Meaning of Art.
  2. The changing status of education and the place of Art in General education.
  • Systematic study in Art Education with reference to national integration, human values and international understanding.
  1. The Educational values of Art and its relation with other school subjects.


UNIT 2 Basic Principle of Art Teaching
  1. Art teaching and creativity.
  2. Importance of creative activities at various stages of School Education from nursery to secondary level. NCF – 2005.
  • Emotions, observation and imagination as a basis for creation of Art.
  1. Free Expression.
UNIT 3 Teaching of Art
Methods of Art Teaching
  1. Methods of free expression
  2. methods of assigned topic
  • Dictate method
  1. Copy method
  2. Visual aids in teaching of Arts, Black board, Art objects, Reproduction, Photographs and other Teaching aids.


UNIT 4 Art Room and Art Teacher
  1. The art Teacher
  2. Role of Art Teacher in Classroom Teaching
  3. Qualities of an Art Teacher
  4. Importance of Art Room in School
  • Educational values of Art-Exhibition, Art- Museum and Art- Galleries.


UNIT 5 Planning in Art Teaching
  1. The Syllabus of Art Teaching at Secondary level
  2. Objectives of Art Teaching
  • Concept, objectives and Importance of CCE. in Art Teaching
  1. Lesson Plan and Unit Plan in Art Teaching.


Practicum/Field work: (Any one of the following)
  1. Organize an exhibition on Hand made things.
  2. Organize funfair on products related to Art and draft a report with pictures.
  3. Exploration and experimentation with different methods of Visual Arts like Painting, block printing, collage, clay modeling, paper cutting and folding, etc.
  4. Field trip/Educational Tour, Art committee, fair and Exhibition Art galleries and Museum.
  5. Documentation of the processes of any one Art or Craft form with the pedagogical basis such as weaving or printing of textiles, folk performances in the community.


  1. Jefferson,B. (1559): “Teaching Art to Children” Allyan & Bacon Inc. Boston
  2. Jeswani, KK.” “Teaching and Appreciation of Art” Atma Ram & Sons
  3. Lowenfeld, V(1957) : Creative and Mental Growth
  4. The Macmillan Comp. New York
  5. McDonald, R : Art as Education, “Henry Holt & Company New York
  6. Read, Herbert (1942) : “Education through Art” Faber & Faber, London.
  7. Whitfor, WG (1929): ” An Introduction to Art-Education” D. Appleton & Co.
8 Eighth Art & Aesthetics in Education Part - I

Paper VIII Art and Aesthetics (Part-I)

The student teacher will be able to:
  • Understand the important concepts and Prepare unit plan, Lesson plan and yearly plan for different classes.
  • Critically evaluate existing school syllabuses and textbooks.
  • Prepare suitable teaching aids and use them in the classroom effectively.
  • Fulfilment of an individual’s potentials through fine art.
  • Deepen understanding, appreciation and skills in one chosen medium through self work and evaluate self as an artist and art educator.
  • Appreciate and engage with a diverse range of art processes, products and performances – folk and classical through exposure and exchange.
  • Experiment and create pieces of art using different medium. Focus on colours, textures, composition and thematic content.
  • Understanding basics of different Art forms-impact of Art forms on the human mind.
  • Enhance artistic and aesthetic sensibility among learners to enable them to respond to the beauty in different Art forms, through genuine exploration, experience and free expression.
  • Enhance skills for integrating different Art forms across school curriculum at secondary level
Unit – 1 Nature and Scope of Art Teaching
  • Meaning, Nature, Scope and aims of art, aesthetics and Art teaching at secondary level .
  • The place of art in general education.
  • Education Values of Art and its relationship with other school subjects.
  • Role of Art is Indian culture and values.
  • Art and Society
Unit – 2 Methods and Techniques of Art Teaching.
  • Methods and Approaches : Meaning and Concept, Demonstration method, Experimental method, Project method and text book method.
Unit – 3 Teaching-Learning Resources & Planning of Art Education
  • People as resource; the significance of oral data.
  • Unit Plan, Daily lesson plan
  • Curriculum in Art : Mugal art style, Rajasthani art style, Pahari art style.
Unit – 4 Historical Background of Music Dance & Drama.
  • The History of music in Indian context
  • The History of Drama in Indian context
  • The History of Dance in Indian context
Unit – 5 Understanding Music, Dance & Drama
  • Introduction to music:संगीत परिचय : ध्वनि-स्वर, सप्तक, अलंकार, लय-ताल, वाद्य-तन्तु, अवनद्ध, सुषिर, धन लोक संगीत, लोक वाद्य। 
  • लोक नृत्य।
  • Introduction to drama: नाटक की विभिन्न विधाएँ – मंचीय नाटक, नुक्कड़ नाटक
  • एकांकी मूकाभिनय नाटक, एकाभिनय, इम्प्रोवाजेशन नाटक के अंश-मंचीय अंश, नेप्थ्य अंश, पुतली-नाटक का माध्य, निर्माण प्रक्रिया संचालन प्रक्रिया।  
Practicum/Field work(Any five from the following) :-
  • Local field trip for understanding the stone carving art to understand them in reference to their cultural and historical importance compile a report of the same.
  • Exploration and experimentation with different methods of Visual Arts like Painting/ block printing/ collage/ clay modelling/ paper cutting and folding, etc.
  • Make five different teaching materials using different type of teaching aids (chart, Model, Power Point, O.H.P. transparencies of Art subject.
  • Prepare and organise a street play/Nukkad Natak on any emerging social issue.
  • Make a pictorial presentation of local musical instruments with its historical and cultural significance.
  • Prepare a report and analyse how handicraft factories design their products, manage their resources, including raw materials, its marketing and various aspects of environmental concerns.
  • Meet some folk dance artist of the local vicinity and interview them on the point that how they evoled into an artist.
  • in the presence of your Music teacher and take a performance appraisal report from them.
  • Collect some folk songs in which there is a description of nature and analyse them.
  • Collect some songs which are sung on any marriage celebration.
    • Gearge Conard:The process of Art education in the elementary school Practice Hall, inc. England, Cliets No.1,1964.
    • Ruth Dunneth :’Art and child personality’, Methuen and Co. Ltd. London 1945.
    • Arya Jaides : Kala Ke Adhyapana, Vinod Pustak Mandi, Agra.
    • Kiya Shikshak :Vol. No. 4 April, 1966, Special Number, Art Education, Published by Department of Education, Rajasthan, Bikaner.
    • AAMS: Memorandum on the teaching of Art London.
    • Jeswani K K (1950) Teaching and appreciation arts in schools, Atma Ram and sons Delhi
    • Krishnamurty J(1973) Education & Significance of life, B I Publications Bombay.
    • Kala Shikshan, BSTC, rajasthan Pathya Pustak Mandal, Jaipur.
    • Veer Ram Avtaar, Bhartiya Sangeet ka Itihaash,(2001) Radha Publication, Delhi
    • Singh Chitra Lekha, Arts Education, Vinod Pustal Mandir, Agra
9 Ninth Health & Physical Education Part-I

Paper IX Health And Physical Education (Part-I)

The student teacher will be able to:
  • Help them to understand the concept of holistic health, its various dimensions and determinants and the importance of sports and yoga for development of holistic health.
  • Develop positive attitude towards health as individual and be collectively responsible to achieve it.
  • Equip them to know their health status, identify health problems and be informed for taking remedial measures.
  • Make them aware about rules of safety in hazardous situation (illness, accident and injury) and equip them with first aid measures about common sickness and injuries.
  • Encourage them to learn and to form right habits about exercise, games and sports, sleep, rest and relaxation.
  • Sensitise, motivate and help them to acquire the skills for physical fitness, learn correct postural habits and activities for its development.
  • Create interest for the practice of yogasanas and meditations through which they learn the skills/art of self-control, concentration, peace and relaxation to avoid ill effects of stress, strain and fatigue of routine life.
  • Help them to understand and develop skills to deal with psycho-social issues including those, related to process of growing up during adolescence, HIV/AIDS and substance abuse;
  • Understand various policies and programmes related to health, physical education and yoga.
  • Help them to understand the process of assessment of health and physical fitness.


Unit-I Health and Body Functioning
  • Health: Meaning, Concept, Importance, dimensions and determinants.
  • Health needs of children and adolescents, including differently-abled children.
  • Body System: Structure and Functioning.
  • Common health problems and diseases: causes, prevention and cure,
  • Immunisation and First aid.
Unit-II Food and Nutrition
  • Food and Nutrition: Meaning, Types and Importance.
  • Food Habits: Based on timing, season, age and Physical activities, Diet Plan.
  • Food Preservation: Meaning and Types.
  • Malnutrition: Meaning, Causes and Prevention.
 Unit-III Physical Fitness Safety & Security
  • Physical fitness, strength, endurance and flexibility, its components, sports skills, indigenous and self-defence activities.
  • Safety and security – disasters in and outside schools, ways of prevention, safety from snake and dog bites, animal attacks, prevention and treatment.
Unit-IV Sports & Health
  • Games and sports – athletics (general physical fitness exercises), games (lead-up games, relays and Major Indian, Western and traditional games) rhythmic activities, gymnastics and their impact on health.
  • Yogic practices – importance of yoga, yogasanas, kriyas and pranayams
Unit-V: Role of Institutions
  • Role of institutions (family, school and community), health services, policies and major health and physical education-related programmes role of media in promoting sports and health activities.


Practicum/Field Work (Any five of the following ensuring that one activity from each unit has been covered)
  • Conduct a BMI (Body Mass Index) Test of the class & maintain the record.
  • Prepare a chart of the various stages of immunisation for the child & demonstrate it in class.
  • Prepare a chart of the common diseases, their causes & cure. Explain it to students.
  • Conduct a survey of any institute/organisation and find out the unhygienic places and corners there and also find out the remedial suggestions to make the place tidy.
  • Organise a 100 meter sprint session and record it. Afterwards do an analysis in the class of the mistakes committed or promptness shown by the participants.
  • Organise a suggestive session among the peers about animal attack experiences (Such as dog, bull, snake, ape etc) and note down how they reacted in the situation and also suggest the best option to depend. Prepare a report of the same.
  • Organise a session of Yogasanas & Kriyas & and after the completion of the session, mention how it felt to you.
  • Arrange a rope skipping session to test how fast they do it in one minute. Calculate the number of rope skip count and declare the winner. Mention your experience.
  • Paste some sports related newspaper/magazine cuttings in your file and share the contents in a session organised in the class.
  • Write an essay on any favourite game of yours and state how it helped you in keeping mentally & physically fit and what you liked most about the game.


  • Ministry of Education India: sharirk Shikshan aur ki Rashtriya Yojna New Delhi., 1960
  • Mondson Joseph Ed : Techniques Physical Education Gerge G Harrap London 1950
  • Wakhankar D.G.: Manual of Physical education G Bell London 1967
  • Randall M.W.: Objectives in Physical Education G.Bell, London,1967
  • Cowell Charles C., and Schwehn Hind M.: Modern Principles and Methods in High school Physical Education Allyn and Bacon Honstio,1962
  • Shepard, N.M. ;Foundation and Principles of Physical Education Rounald Press New York
10 Tenth Conservation & Environmental Regeneration

Paper X Conservation and Environmental Regeneration

The student teacher will be able:
  • To understand philosophical and epistemological basis of EVS as a composite area of study that draws upon the science, social science and environmental education.
  • To Helping student teacher develop the ability to plan comprehensively and analyse & prepare projects on environmental issues.
  • To Understanding the issues of conservation and environmental regeneration
  • To analyze and understand environment concerns through the process of inquiry.
  • To develop in the pupil teachers a sense of awareness about the environment hazards and its causes and remedies.


Unit – I: Introduction to Environmental Studies
    • Natural Environment: Meaning and Concept.
    • Environment and its Components: Biotic and Abiotic and inter-dependency.
    • Man & Environment: A symbiotic dependences.
    • Environmental Education: Meaning, Historical background, Aims, Nature, and Scope.
UNIT – II: Environmental Pollution :-
  • Environmental Pollution:
  • a.Meaning and Main Types – Air, Water, Noise, Soil and Solid Waste Pollution.
  • b. Radio Active Pollution.
  • c. Green House Effect.
  • d. Ozone Layer Depletion.
  • e. Acid Rain.
Unit – III Environmental Conservation & Regeneration:-
  • Biodiversity: – Meaning, concept and types.
  • Need and importance of biodiversity at global/national/local level.
  • Environmental Conservation And Regeneration: Meaning, concept, scope and need.
  • Biodiversity conservation: need and methods.
  • Role of individual and society in conservation of natural resources: water, energy and food.
Unit – IV Environmental Management and Sustainable Development:-
  • Environmental Management: Meaning, concept, need and importance.
  • Nuclear, Biomedical and Solid Waste Management.
  • Sustainable Development: Meaning, concept, need and importance.
  • Measures for Sustainable Development: A fforestation, Changing Patterns of energy and water consumption, Organic farming.
Unit – V Environmental Awareness Through Education & Media:-
  • Role of Teacher in creating environmental awareness among students.
  • Curriculum of Environmental Education at Primary, Secondary and Higher Education stage.
  • Methods and approaches: Seminar, Workshop, Problem-Solving, Field Surveys, Project and Exhibition.
  • Role of media and innovative practices in creating environmental awareness.
Practicum/Activity work (Any one from the following):-
  • Conduct a campaigning programme for plantation of Tulsi, Neem etc.
  • Celebrate important relevant days related to environmental conservation (such as earth day, world environmental days etc) in school or out of school with the help of students and make a systematic report on entire activities or work.
    Draft a report after analysing the scientific base of Environment related days of traditional Indian culture and present this report in class.(Basant Panchmi,Hariyali Amavasya etc.)
  • Conduct an activity in school and ask students to get opinion of their grandparents about changing life style and their merits and demerits and collect their ideas on domestic products which can be helpful in healthy life style. The pupil teacher will compile their experiences and draft a report to present it in class.
  • Organize a planned Visit to a hospital to study on biomedical waste, after visiting it presents your report in class.
  • Analyse the direct or indirect message of Traditional Culture/folk songs of your area for social or natural environment enhancement.
  • Bahuguna, Sundarlal (1996) Dharti ki Pukar, Radhakrishna Publication, Delhi, Pp. 111.
  • Kaushik,A. and Kaushik,C.P.(2004).Perspectives in Environmental studies,New Age International(P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi
  • Goel, M.K.(2006)Paryavaran Addhyayan, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Agra, Pp. 581.
  • Ramakrishnan, P.S.(2001)Ecology and Sustainable Development,N.B.T.,New Delhi, Pp.198.
  • Rathore, H.C.S., Bhattacharya, G. C., Singh, S.K., Singh, M. and Gardia,A.(2008) Society and Environmental Ethics, Seema Press, Varanasi, Pp. 242.
  • Sharma, R.C., Mahajan, B., Premi, K.K., Nuna, S.C., Menon, P.(1994). Source Book on environmental education For Elementary Teacher Educators, NIEPA, New Delhi.pp.278.
  • Sharma, P.D.(2001)Ecology And Environment, Rajson Printers,New Delhi,pp660.
  • Shukla, C.S. (2007) Paryavaran Shiksha, Alok Prakashan, Lucknow, Pp.311.
  • Singh,S.K.(2006)Environmental Education,Sapna Ashok Prakashan , Varanasi,Pp.176
  • Singh,S.K.(2008)Environmental Education and Ethics,Amrit Prakashan , Varanasi,Pp.114
  • Singh,S.K.(2010) Fundamentals of Environmental Education , Sharda Pustak Bhawan , Allahabad ,Pp.175
  • Srivastava, P.(2005)Paryavaran Shiksha, Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy, Bhopal, Pp.195.
  • NCERT (2004) Environmental Education in Schools, NCERT, New Delhi, Pp.112.
  • NCERT (2011) Teachers’ Handbook on Environmental Education for the Higher Secondary Stage, DESM, NCERT, New Delhi, Pp.316.
  • Ram, P.S. and Singh, R.(2013). Paryawaran Shiksha ke ubharate aayam, Allahabad: Sharda Pustak Bhawan.