Evaluation Plan for B.Ed Second Year

Evaluation Plan for B.Ed Second Year

PaperName of the PaperExternalInternalTotal
FirstKnowledge & Curriculum7030*100
SecondGender Issues in Education7030*100
ThirdUnderstanding Inclusive Education7030*100
FourthAssessment for Learning7030*100
FifthSchooling socialization & Identity7030*100
SixthPedagogy Course I (Part II)3515*50
SeventhPedagogy Course II (Part II)3515*50
EighthArts & Aesthetics in Education Part-II050**50
NinthHealth & Physical Education Part-II050**50
TenthLearning Enrichment through Information & Communication Technology050**50
Other Activities & Internship

Other Activities

1. Co-curricular Activities(30 Marks)
2. Individual Appraisal (40 Marks)
3. Open Air Session(30 Marks)

Internship (16 weeks)

In Government Schools

1. A Project Report on the various aspects of the school where the internship was performed. (50Marks)
(See rule no. 6)
2. Final Lesson= 100marks
(See rule no.7 & 8)
Grand Total1000

1. Co-curricular & Extra-curricular activities, in college; must be spread all through the year which should also include special days’ celebrations.

2. Individual appraisal of the student-teachers will be done on some set criterion (discipline, attitude, interest, values, sensitivity towards national programs and issues) through portfolio by the college.

3. To understand the local resources, people & community, an open-air session of two days will be conducted.

4. During internship it is expected that the students play the participative role in all school activities, including teaching, and take necessary responsibilities as and when required, as per instruction from the head of the institution.

5. After completion of an internship, each student must submit the attendance-cum internship completion certificate duly authorized by the head of an institution, where the internship was performed.

6. A project report will be prepared based on the following dimensions of school and performed internship. This project report will be assessed at the school level where the internship was performed.
a. Reflections on one teaching.
b. Innovative teaching practices adopted.
c. ICT based teaching.
d. Assessment and assignment practices.
e. Problems faced.
f. Suggestion for the betterment of teaching-learning.
g. Preparing a portfolio of anyone exceptional student (gifted, slow learners, differently-abled).

7. Each candidate must prepare two lessons (One in each pedagogy) for the final practical examination. However, the candidate will deliver one lesson (in the pedagogy for their choice). The external may pick up at least 10% of the candidate to deliver two lessons (if required)

8. Final Lesson to be assessed by the Board of Examination (By University) consists of:-
a. Principal / HOD of the college
b. One internal examiner from any discipline.
c. One external examiner from any discipline.