Scheme of Evaluation M.Ed. 1st Year

Scheme of Evaluation M.Ed. 1st Year

PaperName of PaperExternalInternal (Sessional work/Practicum)TotalAllocation of HoursDuration of Exam
Paper-IPsychology of Learning and Development75251002003 Hrs.
Paper-IIPhilosophy and Sociology of Education75251002003 Hrs.
Paper-IIIEducation and Curriculum Studies75251002003 Hrs.
Paper-IVIntroduction to Research Methodology and Statistics75251002003 Hrs.
Paper-VPre-Service and In-service Teacher Education75251002003 Hrs.
Dissertation – Finalisation of Research Topic and Preparation & Presentation of Synopsis005050
Internship in TEI (Teacher Education Institute)100

Special Note:

Seminar/ Workshop Must be organized on Self- Development, ICT, and Writing Skills all through the year. Besides, these can be organised on any other Themes in which students are interested.