Upgrade as College for Teachers Education by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Affiliated to Jai Narain Vyas university, Jodhpur (Managed by Shri Mahesh Shikshan Sansthan)
S.No. | Name of the Papers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Core Course-1 Philosophy of Education | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Core Course -I Philosophy of Education
Learning Objectives & Outcomes: Understanding the nature and functions of philosophy of education. Logical analysis, interpretation and synthesis of various concepts, propositions and philosophical assumptions about educational phenomena. Understanding and use of philosophical methods in studying educational data. Critical appraisal of contributions made to education by prominent educational thinkers-both Indian and Western. To understand and relate philosophical theories with educational practices. To understand and relate philosophical traditions with educational practice.
UNIT – I Nature of Educational Philosophy: Meaning, Concept and nature of Educational Philosophy Metaphysical problem and education related to nature, man and Society. Epistemology & Axiology of educational philosophy: Knowledge, Methods of acquiring valid knowledge with specific reference to analytic philosophy, Dialectical approach & scientific inquiry. UNIT-II Modern concept of Philosophy and Contributions of Thinkers: Analysis-Logical analysis, Logical empiricism and Positive relativism- (Morris L. Prigge) Contributions of Vivekananda, Tagore Gandhi, Dewey,Krishnamurti, Montessori, Giju bhai, A.Nagraj and Aurobindo to educational thinking. UNIT- III Indian Schools of Philosophy: Sankhya, Geeta, Vedanta Yoga, Buddhism, Jainism, Islamic, Traditions with special reference to the concept of knowledge, reality and values and their educational implications. UNIT- IV Western Schools of Philosophy: Idealism, Realism, naturalism, Pragmatism, Existentialism; with special reference to the concepts of knowledge, reality and values; their educational implications for aims, contents and methods of education.
Practicum/Field Work: The students may undertake any one of the following activities and prepare a report. Present this report in a seminar.
2 | Core Course-2 Sociology of Education | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Core Course -II Sociology of Education
Learning Objectives & Outcomes: To enable the student to explain and reflect on- Gender ideology. Relationship between education and social change with special reference to modernization and globalization. Relationship between concepts and processes of sociology and education. Theories and characteristics of sociological analysis and its relation to education. Understand and explore the meaning, aims, purposes of education Develop understanding of sociological dimension of education. Identify and question one’s own long-established presumptions on knowledge, learner, teacher, and education, and develop a more infor M.Ed., meaningful understanding of them. Expose students to divergent educational thoughts, perspectives and practices, which will help them in creating secure, egalitarian and pedagogically sound learning situations.
UNIT – I Sociology & Education (A)Meaning & Nature of Educational Sociology (B)Interrelationships between Education and Social Variables- School, Family, Peer Group , Politics (C)Education and culture in general UNIT-II Contexts of Socialization (A)Concept of socialization: family and adult-child relationships; parenting, child rearing practices. (B)Separation from parents, children in creches; children in orphanages. (C)Schooling: peer influences, school culture, relationships with teachers, teacher expectations and school achievement; being out of school, overage learner. (D)Relationships with peers: friendships and gender; competition and cooperation, competition and conflict; aggression and bullying from early childhood to adolescence. (E)Social, economic and cultural differences in socialization: implications for inclusion. UNIT- III Education as a means of social changes (A)Concept and implications of social change (B)Education for emotional & social Integration. (C)Education for Nationalism and International understanding (D)Meaning and need of Equality of Education opportunity and Social Justice with special reference to Indian Society (E)Education of Socially, Economically under-developed society. UNIT- IV Education and society: (A)Gender ideology in society. Role of religion, constitution and law in gender ideology. Gender differentiation, stereotyping and inequality in society liberal feminism. (B)Present status of women’s education in India. (C)Modernization, globalization in relation to education. (D)Sociology of education and educational sociology concepts, relationship and functions. (E)Concept and dimensions of plurality. Curriculum for multicultural education. Teacher’s role in the strategies of multicultural education, Socialization in cultural diversity through education. (F)Meaning and importance of peace education to address social issues; role.
Practicum/Field Work: The students may undertake any one of the following activities and prepare a report. Present this report in a seminar.
3 | Core Course-3 Curriculum Studies | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Core Course -III Curriculum Studies
Learning Objectives & Outcomes: Conceptualize the meaning and different perspectives of curriculum Understand the epistemological, sociological and the psychological basis of curriculum development. Understand the different types of curriculum with respect to their main orientation and approaches Compare and analyse the National curriculum framework over the years with respect to their foundational considerations, concerns, priorities and goals.
UNIT – I Perspectives on curriculum (A)Meaning, Concept and importance of curriculum (B)Four perspectives on curriculum a.Traditionalists b.Conceptual-Empiricists c.Reconceptualisits d.Social constructivists (C)Concept of Core curriculum, Hidden Curriculum, Spiral Curriculum, integrated curriculum and their relevance. UNIT-II Construction & Development of Curriculum (A)Curriculum framework -need and importance; ramification of curriculum framework into curriculum, syllabus and textbooks. (B)Different Models (C)Administration (D)Grass Root (E)Demonstration (F)System Analysis UNIT- III Bases of Curriculum Development (A)Epistemological bases: Forms of Knowledge, structure of a Discipline; characteristics of different Disciplines and levels of understanding; Logical grammar of school subjects. (B)Sociological bases: societal needs and aspirations, culture and values, social changes, knowledge explosion, national concerns and goals, globalisation, localization and privatization, political ideology and technological influences, economic necessities; Socio-cultural context of students – multicultural, multilingual aspects. (C)Critical issues: environmental concerns, gender differences, inclusiveness, value concerns and issues, social sensitivity. UNIT- IV Curriculum Administration & Evaluation (A)Taylorism (B)Administration as a process. (C)Administration as a bureaucracy (D)Human relation approach to Administration. (E)Formative, Summative & Interpretation of Evaluation results.
Practicum/Field Work: The students may undertake any one of the following activities and prepare a report. Present this report in a seminar.
4 | Core Course-4 Pre-Service And In-Service Teacher Education | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learning Objectives & Outcomes: Gain insight and reflect on the concept and the status of pre-service and in-service teacher education Be acquainted with the content, and organisation of pre-service teacher education curriculum, infrastructure and resources needed, and the issues and problems related to teacher preparation Examine the existing pre-service and in-service teacher education programmes from the view point of policy and its relevance to the demands of present day school realities Involve in various activities and processes of a teacher education institution, in order to gain an insight into the multiple roles of a teacher educator and understand the organisational culture. Develop competence in organisation and evaluation of various components of a preservice and in-service teacher education programmes Design in-service teacher professional development program/activities based on the needs of teachers Critically examine the role and contribution of various agencies and regulating bodies in enhancing the quality of teacher education. Understand and appreciate the research perspective on various practices in teacher education. Develop professional attitudes, values and interests needed to function as a teacher educator
UNIT – I Structure, Curriculum and Modes of Pre-service Teacher Education (A)Pre-service teacher education – concept, nature, objectives and scope. (B)The structure of teacher education curriculum and its vision in curriculum documents of NCERT and NCTE (C)Components of pre-service teacher education – foundation courses, subject specialisation and pedagogy, special fields, school based practicum and internship -weightages in course work and evaluation (D)Modes of pre-service teacher education – face-to-face (linear and integrated), distance and online – relative merits and limitations UNIT-II Organisation of Different Components of Teacher Education Curriculum (A)The student teacher as an adult learner – characteristics. The concept of andragogy and its principles (B)Organisation, transaction and evaluation of different components of teacher education curriculum – existing practices. (C)Transactional approaches for the foundation courses – Expository, Participatory, Collaborative, Peer coaching, and Inquiry. Scope and possibilities for organisation and evaluation (D)Transactional approaches for the skill and competency development courses – need for awareness-modeling-analysis-practice-feedback cycle – scope and possibilities for organisation and evaluation – practicum records and portfolio assessment (E)Concept and scope of school based practicum and internship – the existing practices, their nature, objectives, organisation and duration. Activities and experiences in pre-internship, internship and post-internship UNIT- III In-service Teacher Education in India – Concept, Structure and Modes (A)Concept, need for continuing professional development of a teacher – areas of professional development. Purpose of an in-service teacher education programme – orientation, refresher, workshop, seminar and conference – their meaning and objectives (B)The structure for in-service teacher education – sub-district, district, state, regional and national level agencies and institutions. (C)Modes and Models of in-service teacher education: (i)Modes of in-service teacher education-face-to-face, distance mode, online and mixed mode. (ii)Induction, one shot, recurrent, cascade, multi-site, school based and course work scope, merits and limitations of each of them UNIT- IV Planning, Organising and Evaluating an In-service Teacher Education (A)Planning an in-service teacher education programme – preliminary considerations of purpose, duration, resource requirements, and budget. (B)Designing an in-service teacher education programme – steps and guidelines – assessment of training needs, formulation of training curriculum, preparation of course material (C)Organising an in-service teacher education programme – common problems faced by a teacher educator and guidelines for communication, arrangement, preparation, facilitating participation and collecting feedback and evaluation. (D)Qualities and characteristics of an effective in-service teacher educator.
Practicum/Field Work: The students may undertake any one of the following activities and prepare a report. Present this report in a seminar.
5 | Dissertation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dissertation Course Code: MEDPC-205
Credit: 2 ESE: -35 1.Teacher educator will explore the areas of educational research. 2.Student /scholar are expected to take up a research based project on an area of interest which is associated with optional/specialization course. 3.Identification of the problem and definition. 4.Preparation of Synopsis & presentation of the synopsis in College. |
6 | Internship in TEI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
INTERNSHIP IN TEACHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION (For Elementary Level in DIET and For Secondary & Senior Secondary Level, in this Level Teachers’ Training College)
Credit:4 ESE:70 Internship will be organized with attachment to both pre- service teacher education and in -service teacher education setting. Necessary orientations to the students and mentor teacher educators from the respective institutions of teacher education need to be provided before organizing the internship.
Note -Activities marked with *(Asterisk) are to be evaluated internally by a committee comprising of Principal/ HOD and two senior faculty members and considered for awarding CCA |
7 | Skill Course-II (Any one of the following) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||